The Mercy Megathread is temporarily closed

For the next 24 hours, topics about Mercy in the main forums cannot be moved to the megathread.

(Revs up keyboard)

Fellow Mercy mains, you know what to do.

Everyone else: enjoy the stampede.


Mercy is fun to play.


I respectfully disagree. Rez on a cooldown is irritating to use, but it’s too useful and too OP to pass up. And Valkyrie is a glorified spectator mode that makes you enemy hitscan target practice. Mercy used to take strategy to use, and Resurrect used to be earned.


Why is it closed ?


A number of trolls flag the megathread daily in hopes of getting it shut down and “shutting up” the unhappy Mercy mains for good.

They finally got what they wanted… But it’s about to backfire big time.


I find it really funny that you chose to respond to me seriously.

Guess because of the same reason which built this thread:

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I dont get why they close threads. They should instead ban Troll or Toxic behaviour…

Closed threads just mean regular users cannot post in them. I doubt mod’s merging privilege is prohibited.

Yeah, presumably the mods could also unlock the thread if they chose.

oh boi…

Somebody grab the popcorn, this gon be fun

What a rational response.

Closed for the flags? Oh ok, troll flag -> Let the forum be plenty more and more about Mercy Thread. They wanted it :man_shrugging:

Well… Crud.

Brace thyselves fellow forum-goers, an eldritch horror unlike anything we’ve ever seen before has been freed.

The seal has been broken.

Mercy threads! Mercy threads everywhere! Muhahahahahahaha xD

Hey folks,

The Mercy Megathread has been unlocked. Please continue posting in that thread any feedback regarding Mercy. I’m going to go ahead and lock this thread now, before it goes even more off-topic.
