The Mercy Ice Cream Movement 🍨

Saddest moment of existence confirmed! :sob:

~ Signed
The Mercy Ice Cream Movement :angel: :ice_cream:

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This is so sad, Athena, play Despacito

Winston listens to Despacito confirmed

~ Signed
The Mercy Ice Cream Movement :angel: :ice_cream:

I don’t blame him. It’s the bop of the century. :ok_hand:

~ Signed
The Mercy Ice Cream Movement :angel: :ice_cream:

Best Bop of the Century is actually this

~ Signed
The Mercy Ice Cream Movement :angel: :ice_cream:

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Yo my parents own a ice cream store i can bride the dev team into making the emote with ice cream.

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PERFECT!!! You will be the catalyst to the creation of the emote!!!

~ Signed
The Mercy Ice Cream Movement :angel::ice_cream:

Anyone work at subway so i can start the Hanzo hoagie movement?

I’m considering applying for a coalition with the Brigitte Spaghetti Movement. Their resources will help us greatly.

~ Signed
The Secretary of the Mercy Ice Cream Movement :ice_cream::chocolate_bar:

Let’s call it a tie?

~ Signed
The Mercy Ice Cream Movement :angel: :ice_cream:

Alright done


~ Signed
The Mercy Ice Cream Movement :angel::ice_cream:


Can I be the court Jester?
~Gray, the Mercy main who can eat an entire quart of mint ice cream when depressed… (Only happened a few times though) <3 <3


The next thing you know is Blizzard licencing Mercy icecream, Brigitte spaghetti, Torbjörn chili etc. to fast food chains.

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I mean theyre already doing Lucio-oh cereals, might as well.

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They do have Lucio OH’s!
~ Signed
The Mercy Ice Cream Movement :angel::ice_cream:

You can be anything you want! You just gotta work for it!!

OOOOHHHH I can’t wait for Mercy brand Ice cream I’m gonna buy Mercy brand Reeses Peanut Butter Ice Cream first!

I can’t wait to try some of it!

Best cereal!!

~ Signed
The Mercy Ice Cream Movement :angel::ice_cream:

I’m joining, we need this emote in our games

I will forever use this

~ Signed
The Mercy Ice Cream Movement :angel: :ice_cream:

Glad have you aboard frosty owl!

Glad you love it!

~ Signed
The Mercy Ice Cream Movement :angel::ice_cream:

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I love this idea! Some of these movements are getting very interesting :smile: