The level of unprofessionalism blizzard has is unbelievable

i’m not, i’m really trying to think like an overwatch dev :monkey:

Hahaha maybe if they make mercy a jet pilot again in her ult :joy::joy:

is calling skins ‘content’ a job ?

not gonna do the joke about sword swallowing just in case :eyes:

OW team do deliver stuff, we have maps, we have skins, voice lines, sprays and icons (isn’t this wonderful content?) in every event. New heroes each three months, some balance changes every two months more or less. But that doesn’t really change the fact that they are SLOW to bug fix. They are slow to fix broken heroes. They are SLOW to balance OP heroes. Again, Doomfist is playable more than a year later release. Sombra they tried to fix her, they did, then they broke her, then they broke her even more and now they are trying something else with her. Brigitte isn’t the devil incarnate only months later. It’s really a mess, even when they deliver what the community asks for, they deliver it half done or broken. It’s very disappointing in my opinion because they aren’t able to own up their mistakes. If they did that I would few more confident that they are trying to improve the game and not just release exclusive skins that you can either buy or have to get it by buying lootboxes.

I like that you left out Sombra’s rework. I wonder why…

I also wonder how many of those examples you posted featured changes that were suggested by us and not conjured out of thin air.

its actually doesnt come as a surprise to me…If anyone played starcraft 2 and dealt with the horrible balance decisions during its life you’d see this kind of behavior as expected

This is so true :sweat_smile:

No no, so much better to take his pitchfork, create a hateful and juvenile thread…

I would really like people claiming how unprofessional, slow, bad, trash Blizzard devs are, could be bold enough to tell us what their job are.

You think that takes the cake?

Sombra is a walking meme of bugs

And Rein ULT has 2 years of bugs unfixed


Are you kidding me sir? Blizzard is quite fast at fixing bugs!
Just post it in the ptr forum and they will fix it at once!
They have so much content to create, and they are only human. I’m sure that they are unaware of all this bugs that are years old! Creating a recolor of a skin takes priority in their list, that’s why Reinhardt ult isn’t fixed yet. Give them time, I’m sure they are working on it as I type.

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Did you also post this on “Bug Report” ? Because if would be kind of an A-hole move to not do it and just post here to flame.
Not defending anyone since all games have bugs but theres channels to report them and they are taken care of eventually, i dont think the BM is needed for that.

Just a thought.

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Try warframe if yoir looking for a replacement

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Yeah I did and it’s was lost in the sea of other ignored bug reports.

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Maybe not to replace Overwatch, I think only really TF2 would be applicable if one is looking for a similar experience.

But in terms of handling bugs and communicating that they are doing so, Warframe’s developers, Digital Extremes, seem leagues ahead of Overwatch.

I distinctly remember when Plains of Eidolon was released. There was alot of bugs, but everyday I would log in to a bugfix patch with a description of what had been fixed (usually quite the page) and this went on for about 10 days. 10 bugfix patches in as many days, each clearly describing what had been fixed or changed.

No they did not get all bugs, but they got the worst of them and most importantly the constant bugfix patches told the community that Digital Extremes cared and were working hard on it.

I cant say Blizzard’s way of handling things inspires the same confidence.

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The thing is she was released with tons of bugs and made to be playable in comp without fixing her.

That is why so many players discover exploits
its doing symm bad because some of her bugs are either making her OP and UP at the same time.

Her Tp still explodes and clippping on unintentional area
She cant even use her TP in spawn
Her turret clip inside walls and sometimes attached to unintended areas
Her tickrate fix hd a bug against armor
Her ult sometimes dissapear upon casting and rein shatter and mccree high noon ignores the barrier in some cases.

How did she pass to live with all of this bugs?

It’s a bug. Relax. Every game has bugs and I’m pretty sure this one has less than I’ve ever seen before. The level of entitlement of this playerbase is what’s unbelievable.

If you want to point out a bug, there’s a bug report forum for that. Be helpful by posting it there and moving on. Combining the report with an attack on Blizzard is childish and unhelpful. It says more about you than them.

Oh my word, what a stupid glitch😂

A game breaking one at that, these kind of things can totally ruin matches, imagine if this was comp.

Gah I don’t want to even think about it lol😂

Let’s do this people☺️

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As a sym main it saddens me because she was never a hero full of bugs but somehow they released her with so many bugs that would rival doomfist and sombra.

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There is also a bug where she can put her turrets IN A WALL, which makes them invincible. It happened to me while playing comp game at BlizzWorld map.

True i love DE and warframe cant say the same for this game