The Irony of the mercy nerfs

That’s all, just the Irony. “We want to make support more entertaining to encourage more people to play the role” Actively nerfs one of the most selected heroes and not even in the places people were asking for nerfs

Like as a support i’m also comfortable in playin Zen, Bap, Kiriko, Brig (Lmao jk ain’t no one wasting time on that stain of a hero till the rework) all this does is discourage me to even play support, all because Plat 2 Hitscans with the tracking of silver 5 DPS were complaining about not being able to kill her.

People were happy for her to receive the nerf that was needed mainly to damage boost but all they’ve done is made her easier to kill overall and her a liability to her team. She can’t regen anymore so if the team dies (Assuming you’re playing with friends) you just coordinate an easy stagger (But don’t worry right because you have 5 extra shots in the spud gun they call a weapon). As the mercy if your team dies, you’re better off throwing yourself off the map asap to spawn with them and not get staggered.

Dedicated mercy mains would rather see the team lose than play anything other than Mercy (And i can’t blame them lmao yall get what yall deserve for complaining about something that literally was not at issue) or as someone who is happy to bounce around like me but prefers to play Mercy, i’d rather just not play the game.

I’m not going to be forced to play characters that are inherently unfun, i’d much rather just go sink time into Val because say what you will about the community, at least Riot actually isn’t to the people that play the agents before adjusting them.

Come Feb 28th i’ll probably just drop OW for the rest of the season until the new support hero drops in S4 and sink my time into Destiny 2 but when it comes down to it, for the next season, DPS and Tanks don’t have the right to complain if they get a mercy that refuses to switch, yall got what yall wanted, she’s balanced now right?


Also quitting OW now. For me the last bit of fun in this game has been taken with this nerf. Been here since the start. Playing support in this game is just awful now.


When you’re mad you’re going to have negative kdrs because you play mercy

hard for me to believe that youre comfortable on the other supports if youre dropping the game because mercy got nerfed. no different then the one trick genji whiners


It’s funny when you realize how angry they get about the community’s negative stereotypes about the Mercy Main. Then when they have their meltdowns over her they do nothing but prove those stereotypes to be right

Just because i’m comfortable on them doesn’t mean i find them anywhere near as fun as being able to fly around and be a viable healer. I’m not gonna play something that’s boring just because i can play others.


Agreed. Just another crybaby Mercy one trick.

She is balanced by Blizzard’s metrics, but the fact that her stats are more or less the same makes the change hard to justify. It hasn’t made her more, or less powerful or addressed the things about her people hate (rez and boost) but it has made her less fun.

The fact you expect people to sacrifice the fun factor they find in a game and force themselves to play it or else they’re just a otp, is astounding. Sorry i try and find entertainment in the games i play and not be railroaded into some of the single most boring heroes designed, my bad.

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I feel the mercy nerfs were needed.Having an escape on a 1second cool down was super OP and oppresive.

And yet that’s not over of that fantastic nerf offer:

  • we just nerf Ana and Kiriko,
  • brig get shield buff
  • mercy get nerf/buff
  • we buff ults for everyone

BUT WAIT :raised_hand::slightly_smiling_face::raised_hand:

if you sign for support we gonna also nerf them all even more.

Wow that’s already “Feel more rewarding” and Im sure this “encourage more people to play the role”.

Thx blizz :ok_hand::ok_hand:

IDK what the hell was that with mercy changes but now its more frustrating to kill enemy just coze that extra healing she doin.

Devs are breaking promises so fast they need a street cleaner to pick up all the shards.

Also, it’s funny how the same people telling Mercy players “good riddance, we didn’t want you here anyways” are usually also the same ones complaining about the direct consequences of Mercy players (and by extension, support players in general) leaving the game: aka higher queue times & vastly lowered match quality, as the matchmaker struggles to fill the gap left by losing so many experienced support mains.


Summary on Mercy’s Changes after Feb 7 - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (

changes are bad indeed


The devs clarified themselves that the changes done next to nothing for Mercy’s stats. It was literally just a change for the sake of change.

God you’re so cringe.

oh yes, also the matchmaking fix is doing wonders xD