The Gutted Character: D.Va

No, this buff isn’t enough… not nearly enough. 3 second cooldown is cool… but SIGMA ruined her… and the goats nerfs. She needs all of the goat nerfs back… I don’t know what else to add because they gutted her like orisa.


Ptr orisa is now worse than dva.

edit: wow I didn’t pay attention to sigma. Dang I’m pretty sure he’s now worse too


See the new patch yet?

yeah ? They didn’t give any changes to dva. Road hog is going to become the new off tank must pick.

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Rip Orisa. That girl is on the bench with me right now.


With the PTR nerfs, Dva might be coming back. They annihilated Orisa and Sigma

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doubt it, road hog will be new meta pick

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I’m hearing it’s Rein-Dva right now. Someone said earlier the pros were scrimmaging in this patch for awhile now.

dva is viable but i wouldnt say shes a top meta pick.

just saw that post, dva mains are coming home.


Not now but she’s better off now than she was before. More so with this upcoming patch. I think she’ll be back in time. Hope so. If the argument was that Sig killed her I agree. But they basically took a hack saw to him now. That’s why I’m optimistic.

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I laugh when DVa is meta again. That would be a big proof for the hyperbole you read on Dva threads

3 seconds booster will be dva meta. dva was never trash, only all heros who are great against dva were strong in the meta.

I play Dva like she’s a DPS. They need to buff her damage a little bit to increase her pick rates.

I feel like her matrix nerf ruined her

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It was probably a combination of both.

If the new patch manages to get Sigma under control, we will see if the Booster buff was enough to make up for the DM nerf.

I doubt it, but we will see in time.

Hearing a lot of people saying “Rein/D.Va” is a thing all of a sudden, but Zarya still is a really bad matchup for D.Va and goes much better with Rein if you ask me, so I am pretty skeptical on this one.

I don’t think so. It’s going to be Reinhardt / Zarya after these changes are live.

The booster buff has already caused me to go up against more D’Va players. Always one on my team ( me ) with no changes to her next patch should be interesting to see if there are even more.
D’Va has always been a popular hero in overwatch so anything that gets her played more is good for the game

There is a rumor that pros are scrimming the new patch note Before they released the news and dva is involve in the new meta

This only means one thing

Whenever someone is involved in the meta they get all nerfed, so expect that dva will be nerf in the coming future!