oh honey you’ve got a big storm comin’
oh honey you’ve got a big storm comin’
people are allowed to dislike things.
it was a joke.
Now I’m starting to play ffa less I’m starting to come to terms with her again but for now I still have a tiny desire to kick her butt out of a 5 story building for her to then bounce back up after landing on a trampoline so I can then flick her in the face one last time before I bat her into outer space where she will blow up!
/s makes it easier to tell since this is text and its not always apparent.
but i still wouldnt be surprised if sym mains did come after em lol
isnt he already blond?
fight me Sym mains
My outlines in game are bright yellow.
I can see much in the dark anyways.
So golden turrets and what not wouldn’t matter to me.
Also money was accidental, but I’m going to leave it.
Hammond’s mines have lasers coming out of them.
I personally wouldn’t want a gold torb turret. One of the strong suits of the turret is that sometimes it blends in with a team-fight. A decent size hunk of gold is easily going to draw enemy fire. Gold symm glove is something we need though.
Oh dear…
I am deeply sorry for insulting your religion
are you actually?
because I don’t think you are.
you would love for these things to happen to queen sym (god bless)
and that is UNACCEPTABLE.
I wouldn’t want to kill her!
she can’t feel my wrath if she’s dead
that is making me cry.
its horrible to imagine queen sym (god bless) suffer.
she already is suffering but not on that level
Ok! Ok!
I don’t want to do the pushing her out of a window stuff!
I’ll just send her straight to space and kaboom!
my ears… my eyes… my mind…
Moira and Hanzo can join her so she doesn’t get lonely!
throw him in there!
but moira oh god please no.
don’t include another skinny legend in there…
is mercy next on the list?