The Forums are Extra Toxic

Pretty sure it’s because we’re all waking up to Blizzard having an incompetent dev team.

“Fixed a bug that was actually a feature since release, but we’ll call it a bug so that we don’t seem like we’re changing our minds because that’s just beta”

They don’t listen to PTR feedback AT ALL.

They only care about OWL (Which the vast majority of us do not care for), instead of focusing on their player base.

They don’t actually test their changes to heroes before releasing them (or they do, but they play test it with the members of my Grandmother’s Bridge club or something).

Their patch notes are pathetic.

They are silent about major issues. Such is the case with the Reinhardt changes recently that they are STILL quite about. No mention in the patch notes, no forum post, no YouTube Vid, nothing.

So no, I don’t trust them at all. Do you really blame me?

LFG and endorsements should have been in ages ago, but they were too busy making sure that their game was an E-Sport and not bothering to look after the community. We’re all kinda tired of this, hey.

They let so many things run out of control and basically left us to fend for ourselves.

Due to no role-queue or LFG system, we basically had people enforcing picks; "Oh, I see you’re a XHERO main. Play XHERO or you’re throwing.
We had a sort of “community enforced role queue”, where you queued as your most played hero.
This is what lead to private profiles.

One-tricks are still getting banned because of “false reporting”. Blizzard has said that it’s not a reportable offense. The community seems to think differently. The result is that they get banned. Blizzard does something about this? No. Just an example.

PUBG has a better dev team at this point TBH. And that’s saying something!


But not long after the twentieth rework. I started to enter the game less and less. And I’m sad because of it, but these changes are just ridiculous. Why didn’t they focus on the bug fixes ? instead I had to learn new mechanics just now with more bugs. I know you can’t balance a game with a diverse roster like this but the solution is not reworking everything. I remember doomfist was a bad pick before they repaired him. Now he is a very good hero. Why they changed Sombra? If her bugs were gone they could make better assessment what need to be done to the hero.



Can’t even make an accident in a post without a bunch of people crying over it.

generalization and not correct

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I used to come here because I loved Overwatch. Now I come here because I used to love Overwatch.

The devs have killed the game I loved. So, of course they’re going to get some heat from me.


such an easy solution… just switch to reddit

Oh that’s mostly my fault. I don’t find positivity to work too well. And we just flatout disagree about Mercy and a couple other heroes so we always end up arguing


We would probably be a bit more positive if not 90% of our feedback gets ignored and the other 10% which does get read gets dismissed.


Subjective. While you feel that way, others aren’t that cynical and still enjoy the game, regardless of what comes.

It’s mostly Mercy, we agree with most the roster.

Mercy always ends up being the hot topic, and no side ever changes.

It will last forever.

Opinions will always be opinions

Though I think that bleeds through onto threads that aren’t even about mercy.

I wouldn’t call it arguing, more like debating👌

Nyx, after watching Kingsglaive, I absolutely love your gamertag😂

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Fair enough. Although the mercy bleeding onto unrelated topics is just the general state of the forums right now.

Anyway, let’s start over. Hi, I’m Xaron.

Lol, I’m JellyandJam.

Jam is currently asleep till an animated short arrives😂

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You have more lore on these forums than most heroes.

Yup, and that’s crazy😂

Which skin do you use for Tracer?

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I mostly use her graffiti skin👌

Looks super cute, and reminds me of the division.

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Tom Clancy’s the division👌

One graffiti Tracer, coming up.

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