The first uncounterable meta

You should just take a Moira and Bapt, supports heal through everything because they are OP.

Original Dive had no counterplay, it was mirror matches with the same 6-7 heroes for a full year.

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GOATS and double shield was so broken, this is way easier to play into

Thats for you, double shields enables melee characters, doomfist and brig namely , rn they are as useless as a train in an airport , double snipers and hog/zarya is kinda meta rn

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Most effective tactic is a very general thing to say especially in a game like that.
shields can be op against heroes that can hit them like soldier:76 but then you got heroes like Winston or Doomfist that donā€™t care for them at all.
How can something be strong when it doesnā€™t really exist for some heroesā€¦
metas are just the best general composition to get the most value but it is possible to counter them.
double shields was orisa/rein-sigma-mccree-ashe. Now what stops your team from picking Bastion and just melt the shields behind your own shield? take high ground and enjoy the fight.
Itā€™s not like thereā€™s not a solution, but bastion is so easy to counter with the right team so people prefer going for a general comp with the highest chances of winning rather than one super counter that can also be super counteredā€¦

While what your saying itā€™s true.
I believe we have enough info from the tank category to understand what will be the new meta just by statistic alone.
Orisa & sigma are out of the picture from their current pick rate in gm and changesā€¦
divers are weak to zarya-hog so theyā€™re not gonna take the place.
And that leaves us with rein,zarya and hog.
maybe rein will be part of the meta- who knows. but right now it looks like an advantage for Zarya considering she counters more of hogā€™s counters.
Since hog has such a high damage and survive ability itā€™s safe to build a team around counters to him and heroes that synergy with him.

before anything snipers donā€™t really need healing so that solves that problemā€¦ now add to the mix the fact tanks donā€™t always have to push, it depends on the situation. Maybe it will be a snipers vs snipers before it turns into snipers &tanks vs tanks, maybe rein will be played on offense while Zarya on defense like with double shields when we had defense Orisa and offense Rein.
There are a lot of ways for the meta to be good, just need to wait and see.

Yes because the changes are different. Genjiā€™s changes made him better at his own job, so in a way they pushed him a bit too far but in the right way.

For hog he got buffs while the rest got nerfedā€¦ meaning he got 2 changes not 1.
Now hog already had high survive ability and hook was not that hard to pull if enemies donā€™t run shields. now shields are super weak, road is super strong so now he can burn everything in his way and one shot heroes pretty well.
right now he feels like if youā€™re playing to close youā€™re gonna die in couple of secondsā€¦
And itā€™s already not the job of tanks to get kills, only to make space.
so in a way they increase his potential as a dps instead of touching the tank subject- so now heā€™s the best dps option there it and except for Zarya no one can really stop himā€¦
And even she struggles.

And then you have to remember Zarya exists in that meta as well and for a reason. bubble cancels all the effectsā€¦

You think that way but you have to remember no one in that list except for zarya can attack and deffend at the same time so already more time for hog. now look at hog alone. in one clip he can melt 1/2 of reinā€™s shield.
But Rein needs much more to deal with him.
You have to remember hog posses a 1 shot ability now, so if he suceed at hooking your brig or Mei they are dead on spot.
Why bothering fighting him in close range where you can die instantly when you can play from range?

Hog right now posses tons of power being able to one shot every squishy so only long range is possible so thatā€™s what people do, but in long range there arenā€™t a lot of optionsā€¦ that queen of that range are ashe and widow so they are the dps pickā€¦
Sure shields can stop Hogā€™s hook but no shield can really stand hog for more than couple of secondsā€¦

people now days play widow-ashe as the main dps. you have to be a really good zen in order to play him and get enough value against such dpsā€¦

both tanks are really good tracer counterā€¦ hog can one shot and zarya can bubble a target while using her beam to follow tracerā€¦
A very scary experience for Tracer.

Iā€™n gonna compare Roadhog to a dps in porpuse because he doesnā€™t posses anything a tank should posses except for being able to hook a player from a team memberā€¦ and his high survive ability I guess but itā€™s something all tanks have in one form or another.

Hog can one shot any squishy with 250 hp while also having 900 hp (600+healing) and about 206.5 damage per second.
A normal dps has maximum 300hp, not 600-900hp and can do the same damage in general.

Considering the fact each role should be good in itā€™s own place, hog present much more value as a dps than any other. Ofcourse he has some traits of a tank but itā€™s a fact he out play almost every hero in the game right nowā€¦
If youā€™re not playing far enough you will die.
Tanks should be opressive but they should use their damage for defensive reasons- punishing enemies that came into their range, not for searching for kills offensively.

So overall Roadhog right now is a super hero considering he got benefits from both roles without giving up on a lot. heā€™s a dps with tanks benefits.

It all deppends on rankā€¦ in diamond and above hog rules the game. with a pretty crazy pick rateā€¦ 36% at gmā€¦

Might be right although Ana& can posses a great danger to her.

I agree and I really hope youā€™re rightā€¦ Iā€™m just afraid because when I tried searching for counters myself I really didnā€™t find any answerā€¦ the meta counters itself.
Hog is the strongest tank by far being only countered by Zarya whoā€™s his partner in that meta.
both can easily beat anyone in close range.
And the dps are the best in long range, meaning you can win them from range so I donā€™t know how will you counter itā€¦ The best idea I have in mind is dive and just ignored the tanks.

Iā€™m sorry but I just canā€™t see how this comp will counter the metaā€¦ UNLESS it will focus on the dps firstā€¦ it requires some testings but it we look at hog zarya alone, this comp has noting on them reallyā€¦ Winston can be easily countered by Roadhog, Sigma can be countered by both, or if they go then Zarya will counter, sombra can be easily countered by a good bubble and the support and ashe are what we have now reallyā€¦

He might be right but I still think that hog-zarya can be really good against that comp if they will be played in a death ball kind of composition being close to each other and all of thatā€¦

The thing with tanks is that they should always give you more than 1 solution in order not to be too op.
shields for example, break them or go by.
current Roadhog donā€™t let you get value from all ranges or at least different damage forms. you simply CANT fight him closeā€¦ itā€™s really broken considering heā€™s not even a punisher anymore, right now he can go chasing kills himself since he has noting to fear.

Hook can just pull any hero outside of the lampā€™s range.
Moira has a giant head, it will be extremely hard to play her in high ranks against 2 snipers without a proper shield. not to mention this meta is a lot about 1 shots so you want heroes that can deal with that like Ana and Mercy who either encourage it or counter it.

Technically Rein-Zarya-Mei-Reaper countered it. Dive had counters but we didnā€™t really have any anti dive support heroes so a good coordinated dive just jumped on a support and thatā€™s about itā€¦ noting else the support can do.
Ana got sleep dart +nade and lucio got speed but thatā€™s the maximum they could do. maybe include mercy for pharah-mercy range protection but itā€™s not an amazing optionā€¦
You could technically counter dive with the rest of the heroes, it had counters from different roles.
This meta really has no counters from any roleā€¦
I mean, in theory Orisa could have been that counter but in her current state sheā€™s no where near a counter.
She was nerfed into the ground and the only benefit she has is immunity to hook using her fortify.

Doom has been useless since the uppercut nerf

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Actually , the first nerf was terry crews nerf , they didnt pick him to voice act (not saying that his voicr actor is not legendary, and dey say and dey say and dey say)

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To be honest heā€™s not that badā€¦ Just today I took him for lijang towers and I pretty much carried my whole team with himā€¦ heā€™s not that great for all modes but in controll he really got theā€¦ upper hand (sorry I had to :joy:)

Heā€™s good on control center because of all the walls

Dude im a doomfist main, he is plauged with over 50 recorded and common bug (common enough to appear every game) with ways to recreate them, the devs arent interested in fixing him

I donā€™t see the problem here to be honestā€¦ makes sense it will be good in a place that enables his abilities :sweat_smile:

didnā€™t say it was a problem?

Id be fine in just 2 things:
1-fix bugs (obviously)
2- uppercut fix and revet the nerfs

Uppercuts just RNG your enemy direction which is tilting

The bugs are another problemā€¦ I donā€™t count them since they arenā€™t really something that should happen or will always happen.
(To many deaths by sesmic slamā€¦ :pensive:)

Oh sorry, my bad. I interpreted it in the wrong way.

Our underground discord for DF mains has a complete documentary of doomfist bugs , and believe me when i say a lot of bugs happen with you but you donā€™t recognize them unless you watch the replay

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There are 2 types of players: the ones who truly try to improve themselves to counter the opponents, and the ones who always look for a shortcut (be it comp, hero choices ect) to counter.

The meta for once provides no shortcut. All 6 team members have to step it up instead of relying on rock paper scissors mechanism. There is no guaranteed values, you have to work for every thing.

4 dps was effective against GOATS (it was used in OWL. But widow alone counters the 4 dps comp.

So you try to make overwatch a normal fps? why giving players abilities and different heroes if at the end you want a fair match up based on skill alone.

This game clearly shows you can get value from alot of different ways, skill,countering,synergy,positioning.
Forcing it to be mirror match is just boring and a bad representation of the verity of heroes this game has.

Having abilities and different heroes doesnā€™t mean this game is a glorified rock paper scissors. Picking a right hero/comp will give you an edge, but you should still need to put in 80, 90 percent of the effort to earn your keep. Itā€™s silly to think you can counter a 1000 hours of the opponentā€™s effort just by simply pressing H, itā€™s cheap and not very competitive.

Looking for easy and sure fire way of counter is a mentality of bottom players who try to close the gaps by game mechanics or to limit better players so that they could have some hope of winning

What youā€™re describing is a normal fps where gun choices can make a small difference. you canā€™t expect a game with a lot of abilities and different role to be mostly skill based.
the fact that thereā€™s a split role already makes it so each hero got clear weakness just by role.

tanks make space and protect so just play outsid of their range with massive damage to punish their size.
dps are small and bursty and run for kills, so use their damage against them.
supportā€™s lack the damage and offense so punish them quickly.

What the game does offer is high skill heroes like Widow or Tracer that force you learn the character in order to have impact with it.

But countering by a bit is only an option in a normal fpsā€¦ There are too many variables in the game design to keep it in a small difference.

Besides the current meta doesnā€™t really let you pick any different hero, youā€™re stuck with a boring mirror.

Why bothering with different heroes when you can only play 6 different heroesā€¦