Lucio ana zen brig moira mercy

lucio zen ana brig moira mercy soldier widowmaker torb sym


True. I have had the worst time playing this game for the past few weeks. Abysmal match quality. I have an alt account that stays in mid-high diamond and I cant even come close to winning games in low gold on my main anymore. When I lose it feels like a tough match like I’m playing vs. diamond players and my team is all golds. When I win it feels like enemy is afk and its an effortless steam roll. Wins almost feel worse than losses sometimes. Very frustrating game to play lately.


I’ve saved profiles and posts of some that said they would quit the game.
They came back usually in 3-5 weeks.

Apart from that, the forums doesn’t represent the whole playerbase.

And honestly, what exactly is the issue with the MMR system?

Every game has complaints, whether or not this one has more is up to debate. Though you barely see any posts from people noting all the good things meaning it’s kind of one-sided to negativitiy… or well rather feedback
Maybe this community is just bad and keeps exaggerating some issues and keep asking for more to boost themselves whilst damaging the community as a whole.


Good thread. Ranked play is designed to make casuals feel good with handicapping:


This. I had a thread up talking about me testing the forced 50% in real time until the salty apologists/admins banned that account (like I won’t just use one of my other 7 alts). I managed to get that account down to about 30-35% wr and now its giving me teams that will literally 5v6 every game where I can’t even lose if im afk. Like denying the 50% at this point is laughable to me


You must be boosted then because I started 3 accounts (including this one) in gold (when I was a gold player) and I’ve climbed all 3 to mid Diamond.

If you can’t win games in gold (as a Diamond player) the common denominator isn’t hard to determine.


We have no more reason to suspect he’s boosted than we have to expect the same of you. Shills really do have the worst takes and it’s so obvious


That’s a fair enough statement actually. Except for the fact that you don’t see me complaining about games in gold.

Honest to god truth. Do I think I’ll win EVERY GAME to climb out of gold? No definitely not. It’ll be closer to a 70-75% win rate.

Throughout platinum (up until 2.8-2.9) it’ll be in the 60s and hitting 3000+ it will draw exponentially close to 50% until I climb to Masters.

What I can borderline guarantee is I’ll gain significantly more SR for a win and lose significantly less SR for a loss because of how the PBSR works (again up until about mid-plat) .

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Making complaints isn’t an indicator of whether someone is boosted lmfao

Yeah… It actually is though. No actual diamond player would complain about being stuck in gold.


Did he say he was stuck or that he wasn’t winning games? There is a difference and it’s significant

For as much as you fancy yourself an intelligent Individual, you sure don’t do much reading


Gotta love it. It’s somewhat of an achevement to see match quality steadily get worse over time isn’t it. I’ve been playing since the beginning and the first seasons you could kind of expect people to know how to play the game atleast.
Now it’s this sequence: Ok game, stomp or “hard carry these losstreakers/noobs or lose”.

So inconsistent that after I’ve raged a bit i just get numb by the stupidity of both my team and my enemies sometimes.

Like, “what on earth is that guy think he’ll achieve by standing outside their spawn with his trap and bomb? Oh, he died in 2 milliseconds. Nice…”

Or, “Why does he stay on D.VA after getting demeched so many times? Surely this silver border knows that he’s been hard countered and dont have the skill?”

In a functioning matchmaking system you would expect the matchmaking to work better in peak hours due to the many players, but in OW this persist. I get the feeling they have done something with the que time variable in the matchmaker last update ontop of the priority passes to give morons faster que in exchange for my enjoyment of the game.


Direct quote of him stating he’s stuck? I’ll wait

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Lol… It’s literally amazing isn’t it?

Like… I think most of it comes down to the “rage ape man children” being like, I wanna play who I wanna play and you can’t tell me different.

Same rage baby (cries in hard stuck on forums) match making is rigged!!

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Well the pass system has definitely pushed people into roles that they don’t care about. They hand out passes like candy, even for a loss. It also doesn’t have a blind matchmaker so your reward for performing well is being placed with teammates who are drooling into their keyboard. Just carry bro :wink:

Keep going my guy. You’re almost there…

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Shills say the darndest things :smiley:

Ah so it’s you who can’t read. Thanks for clarifying

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Whatever you say dude…