The Explosion of Smurfing

Interesting, but I’ve played since launch, lately I’ve had at least two smurfs per game for the last two seasons. Not sure what’s going on, be it on my team or the enemy team, It’s not enjoyable. I’m waiting with excitement for the adjustment or ban system they implement with OW2. Going to be fun to see.


The common consensus is that it’s due to the Priority Pass system.

If you’re a high level player, you can just queue up as a tank or healer with DPS potential (such as Hog, Baptiste, Ana or Zenyatta) and just frag out. Even if you lose the game, you still get passes and when you have enough, you can use those passes to play DPS.

If your DPS rank is way higher than the other two, then you can basically farm slightly shorter queues for free. But some smurfs also have accounts with lower DPS as well, just to play “for fun”.

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Blizzard do not give a f… about smurf, this is the most exposed topic in this forum history and they never and will never do nothing about it.

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Jeff did say that their solution to the smurfing wouldn’t be until at least Overwatch 2 but could potentially be later due to it being a complex problem to fix.

You are incorrect. See above.

Keep waiting until overwatch 3


I never get Smurfs.

I get 0 kill dps and healers.

Had gold healing as hog after 3 rounds


Gold healing as Hog is usually a red flag that a Hog is feeding, not that the healers aren’t doing their job.


Def not feeding.

Just no support from the healers at all

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This is still sounding a lot like feeding, to be frank.

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honestly the easiest way to prevent smurfs is to have some sort of SMS system implemented across all ranks and you have to put in a code to get to play ranked (kind of like a 2-factor) so that smurfs dont use disposable phones or fake phone numbers and if multiple accounts use the same number punishments are linked so throwing and leaving would affect smurf player’s main accounts as well. By shared punishment i mean if an account gets suspended from comp for a time then all accounts get suspended and if the person decided to leave all accounts get leaver penalty. Same with bans, if someone wants to troll they should not be allowed to jusst go back to playing the game on a different account

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how is that a sign that hog is feeding? clearly by healing someone else healers should get gold heals even in a bad match

To start with, if the Hog is off somewhere by himself, the healers have one less Tank to heal, drastically cutting down their healing numbers. Second, without another tank, the remaining Tank is going to get hard focused. Even if the two supports work to keep them alive, they’ll have to be MUCH less aggressive. Third, without the space that would be provided by having two tanks, DPS are either going to play super safe and not require healing, or they’re going to get burst dead before healers can do anything. Either way, healers won’t do much healing for them, either.

Roadhog, in the meantime, gets to vape for half his health every 8 secs.

And this, of course, is assuming that the Hog feeding didn’t doom his team to an 5v6 fight and death, in which case the healers do NO healing at all.


smurfing is a symptom of a greater problem. It’s not the main issue… the main issue is a dead ladder.

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Still think it’s a stretch to assume a feeding hog. bad healers exist you know and matches are pure chaos lately

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I have only ever seen one hog not feed in my games. he was a masters who played like a tank AND hit critical hooks all round. when you get healing youre not actually healing as hog… thats just giving the enemy free ult charge and our team will be punished by these ults within 3 breathers unless youre making critical picks while keeping your ‘backline’ safe.

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Do you guys not have phones?


Maybe Blizzard has relaxed it’s standards lately on who can be in your games. The skill observed skill difference of people are huge in my games…

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I’m aware bad healers exist. That’s why I said that the situation sounds like a feeding Hog based on prior experience.

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One of the main reasons I stopped playing Competitive on Xbox is because of smurfs.

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did you guys ever stop to consider how they lowered que times across the board? Yep you guessed it they relaxed the standards. That is why you have bronze and gold players in the same game even at prime time. It’s dead ladders people. The skill variance at silver has never been this gaping.

And fact is even when I play support games at bronze (rusty at support) I honest to God cant tell a difference between 1400 and 1800 games anymore. A year ago high silver and low silver were world’s apart. I could win games at low silver absolutely inebriated if I wanted to.

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