The end of Brigitte?

It’d actually have a risk of using it the whole time, so I’d like this change

LMFAO seeing the brig mains cry is amazing


And I’m not a Brigitte main tho

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I’ve been saying this for awhile, after this she doesn’t need another nerf.

She might actually need a buff after that!
(a small one, but still, we’ll see)


In my opinion this is a nice nerf,she is still overpowered against tanks.

This has been said literally every time she gets tuned down, though usually with more hysteria. I’ll believe it when I see it.

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Until you realize that you can still walk through the barrier and still shield bash the Rein or Orisa. Just gotta get right up in their grill now. It’s still a good change and I think it will help some heroes/situations. Between these and the McCree/Bastion/DF changes, I’m excited to see what actually makes it to the PTR.

Think about it. Its 7 seconds that can be denied by something extremely prevalent.

Tracers can outplay her

So she’ll be probably be battling squishies

Which can turn around back into their team…

If this change turns out how im thinking, especially now that Ashe and the hero buffs are live… she’s gonna get eaten alive. :skull:

Hopefully I’m wrong tho.

That’s a fantastic idea. It allows her to use her bash for everything it’s supposed to be for, but absolutely ruins her for a frontline tank harasser/killer (which she absolutely wasn’t supposed to be).


So Brigittes will have to adapt by using it intelligently. She still passively counters dive comps, she just does not guarantee value by bashing the front line. I fail to see an issue with this.

If they don’t want her to be front line then they should change how inspire works or remove it all together and give her a faster, less potent repair pack.

I’m just saying she might be bad at doing her only job after this… but it also gives the opportunity to refund one or two of her previous changes.

Also now mechanics work with inconsistency… which may be an issue i the future.

we will see.

Seasonal events died for this.

I may be bitter about it but if that’s what it takes for them to do more balance changes like this one then so be it. Cannot wait for the next PTR.

My only real problem with this is not only does it not apply to other hero’s like DF who can still punch through a barrier but Blizzard will never revert any of their other “tweaks”.

BLizzard seemed to try and do everything to Brig they could other than touch how her SB works, and now that the CD has been increased, the shield HP decreased and countless other nerfs they want to make it even worse?

It’s really getting to the point where i Just wished they removed the stun from SB all together, just let it do pure dmg and maybe a little knock back. Put it back to 5 sec CD and let it mostly be a movement ability like it was supposed to be imo.

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I favor this change greatly. I’ve been asking for such a change for a long time.


I would be more excited about them going about nerfing her like this rather than a worse way, if I wasn’t convinced that people will still continue to complain and treat this as if it does nothing to affect Brig’s power.

It just means you have to step through and bash, which is how it should be.

she’ll still have value as antidive regardless of this change and will still have enough value to be a strong counterpick

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They don’t seem to revert changes very often, they much rather buff something else entirely unrelated when changing characters it seems.