The effect Brigitte has on this game is absurd

Thats the thing though, a bronze brigitte cannot invalidate a gm tracer, it simply is not possible due to soemthing called game sense and positioning, you are never ever going to kill a tracer/genji of gm level as a bronze-gold brigitte unless they are unaware of your presence.

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Both heroes considered basically F tier. Both heroes only a problem to about Gold, if that. Brigitte is nothing like them. You trying to equate her to them seems desperate to me.

Sure bro, that’s why she’s the only hero you can maintain a decent win rate with at your rank. Makes sense.

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Agreed, Winston with smart play can play with a bastion, just as genji/tracer can and ‘should’ be required to do the same.

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I never said anything about that match up. I’m talking about skill and hard countering and such in general. Hard countering is not something I have ever heard used outside of the community and their considerations. It’s not something I take seriously. It’s also only VERY RARELY ever the case.

And they can. You think Brigitte is some hard counter to a god tier Tracer?

Maybe in OWL level play, elsewhere, no. Even the Brigitte main agrees with me there.

I think some players were so sick and tired of dive that they are willing to except a lesser evil instead of the return of what they perceive the greater evil to be. So people that simply do not want dive in the game will always say Brig isn’t so bad. While people that find her more frustrating than dive ever was will always say she is to strong and needs nerf.

Honestly I think the power creep in this game is getting out of hand and pretty soon we are going to have a huge mess of a game if someone at Blizzard doesn’t take notice of it.


I agree with you on that. I think a lot of people were just wanting to stick it to the Tracer/Genji mains (read: Smurfs mostly) and now they’re so hopped up on revenge they’ll defend Brigitte to the end. To ridiculous degrees tbh as evidenced in this thread.

Comparing Brigitte to pre-rework Sym. Give me a break.

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I despise people complaining about brigitte not because shes my ‘main’ but mainly because every single person that does it doesnt seem to know what positioning and game sense is, and have complained about similar characters.

The same people who complain about brig are the same people who complain about roadhog 3.0, and sym, etc. Brigitte is a character just like roadhog but way closer ranged. She punishes you for bad positioning and game sense, it is ludicrous to say she is op due to shield bash when it is 6s cd, 7m range, no vertical mobility in the slightest, only effective against tanks because any competent dps/support will never be hit by brigitte ever.

Brigitte is losing pickrate in diamond-gm at a fast rate as people have learned how to play vs her, i am learning zen and mercy and rein(again) more and that is how im maintaining my rank because if i kept playing brigitte i would keep getting hard countered in most of my games, as i am hard countering brigittes i am fighting. I have fought brigitte in many of my games that i have won simply because my team had good positioning.

Brigitte is not op, she is a character that punishes very, very bad positioning and game sense, and that is it. Due to this a tracer/genji/other high skill characters that arent tanks do not have any worries about brigitte except the occasional health pack save.


yeah smurfs certainly didn’t help tracer and genji win popularity contest with the players.


Neither do a lot of Brigitte mains. Even then, they still pull win rates like you. Why are they exempt from this requirement of game sense and positioning? They require it far less than most as their kit is so ridiculously easy and forgiving.

No other hero has been so PUNISHING to their peers for poor game sense and positioning, while being punished the least for their own. None.

And here you are defending this hero all “well people need better game sense and positioning.” While you’re sitting there on a 67% win rate on a hero that requires the least of it. All you have to do is basically hold hands with Rein and you get mad value.

You’re not playing 3D chess, you don’t have superior game sense and positioning than your peers simply because you play this brain dead hero. You are in no way better than the people you play against, but because your hero lets you get away with it, you benefit. That’s all.


no, thats where youre wrong, i want dive to be in this game because i want this game to be varied, but in case you havent noticed. Hanzo is the reason that dive is not even possible anymore on the maps where dive was good, hanzo was made to be meta in dive but due to brigitte instead of just being op meta, he became op must pick top dps that has no equals except widowmaker who got just under the same power creept hat hanzo did.

Except in diamond+ you do get punished HARD for any mistakes you make as brigitte as the enemy team is watching every single thing you do, the moment i make a mistake im dead from discorded focus, or some aoe with discord, or forbid a reinhardt who knows that reinhardt beats brigitte any day of the week, etc.

Brigitte is punished incredibly hard in diamond+, i understand that you are in gold so your teammates cant punish as much as diamonds can, i do not mean to pull the ‘rank’ card, but that is another massive difference between ranks is punishing enemies for their mistakes

I use shield bash at the wrong time, i die, i hold my shield up too much it dies and i die, if im with my team too long in aoe i die, if i drop my shield for a split second i die, etc, etc.

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That’s true for EVERY SINGLE HERO FRIEND. Every single one! Every hero gets punished HARD for any mistakes you make. Every hero can get discorded and burned down. Every hero is susceptible to focus fire. Every hero is able to be played around. Every hero can be taken down 2v1. Every hero… Every hero…

67% win rate on Brigitte. 47% next played hero, Zen.

That’s the difference. Clearly, even Diamond level players have an easier time punishing you on Zen than they do you on Brigitte. You see? What you say does not counter my point at all, it only supports it tbh. Your game sense is not better than your peers, your hero choice just let’s you get away with it.

This is an alt I use nowadays mainly when I’m drunk tbh. I don’t care about it being rank shamed.

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i have over 50% and around 60% on reinhardt and mercy, zenyatta is by far the hardest support to master besides lucio, and the only times i lose as zen is when im oddly not fighting a brigitte on the enemy team. Brigittes barely being played in my games anymore.

They punish me on zen easier because they arent playing an easily punished hero in diamond like brig, they are playing a tracer/genji/etc. I am also not that good of a zen.

Your winrate on Rein is 56%. Far FAR less than Brigitte, and he only has like an hour of play. Zen you put in 3. Brigitte you have 10. 10 hours is enough time to have established an average and such and that average is 67% which is far higher than anything you can achieve on any other hero.

Yes, diamond punishes you more for mistakes. Even then, Brigitte’s kit is so forgiving, it doesn’t even matter that much.

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Yes, rein and zen are far less in playtime, hence why they have less of a winrate as im relearning rein and learning zen, i spent over 27h hours on brigitte before she hit competitive. I know how to play brigitte incredibly well for my rank, and even i cant play brigitte anymore because im constantly fighting players that know how to punish brigitte harder than they can punish zen because as zen im actually gaining winrate and brigitte im losing it.

I had 26-35% winrate as zen a week+ ago.

Just admit it.

Diamond players cannot punish you for poor play on Brigitte like they can on literally any other hero. You have game sense and positioning skills on par with your Diamond peers. No better, no worse. Brigitte allows you with that level of game sense to punish your peers who have equal game sense.

That’s not because you’re just super duper good at Brigitte. That’s because her kit is terribly designed and forgiving.

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No, im losing sr and winrate when i play brig and gaining sr and winrate when i play with zen/rein/mercy, i had 26-35% winrate as both zen and mercy a week ago and around 40% on reinhardt, and i had 70%+ as brigitte over a week ago, and now that people learned how to make brigitte worthless, im playing the truly meta ‘op’ supports and gaining sr. Zenyatta is far more powerful and impactful than brigitte is and im not even that good with zen

Dude… You’ve played 10 hours of Brigitte and 3 of Zen. That argument you made, given that context, doesn’t even make sense.

Yes, ive played 10 hours of brig just in competitive, and only 3 of zen just in competitive, im losing winrate the more playtime i put into brigitte and gaining more winrate the more i play mercy/zen, do you see my point.

Brigitte has lost her impact in diamond+, while zen/mercy are still as impactful and powerful as ever