The effect Brigitte has on this game is absurd

The only complaint about brigitte that anyone talks about is ‘wah i cant w + m1 and i have to play smarter now’ thats basically all brigitte complaining

I barely see any logical complaining about the fact her ultimate doesnt go away until broken and has insane charge rate

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That’s hilarious considering w + m1 is basically Brigitte in a nutshell.

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Brigitte is a kind of hyper mobility counter, who destroys non-hyper mobile heroes even more.
Basically she is just OP in general.

if you w + m1 as brigitte outside of gold youre going to die fast and feed harder than an aggro charge only reinhardt.

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That goes for every hero.

W + M1 sums up Brigitte a lot more than it does a lot of other heroes.

and? you still have to play competent as brigitte vs competent enemies. A competent reinhardt alone can make an enemy brigitte worthless jsut by a simple firestrike, same goes for a zenyatta who calls out that brigitte is discorded

Brigitte is not a 1 woman army rambo who can absolutely stomp enemies unless the enemies are actually mindless drones.

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So it’s just hilarious you’re all “wah I can’t w + m1 I have to play smart” when that applies to Brigitte more than anyone else.

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im not complaining that brigitte cant w + m1 and win, im glad.

Yet you have a 67% win rate on her with 10 hours of play, and the only other hero that comes close is Rein with 56%, and I didn’t check anything that was under 1 hour of play time.

That’s because everyone else just plays so stupidly while you’re on Brigitte all 3D chess style right?

Give me a break.

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and im getting carried by the hanzos or fighting bad players that dont know how to fight a brigitte more than they know how to fight a sym.

The times i lose as brigitte are when i fight competent teammates that know what positioning is and game sense is.

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Right because I’m sure Sym is a real problem up there in Diamond.

Can’t even take you seriously, the bias is far too strong.

mate, if you want to talk about bias, i can bring up your bias. I am in diamond, i had over 70%-80% a week ago, in diamond ranks+ people are learning how to fight brigitte more and hence why shes losing pickrate massively. Brigitte is only still as strong as she was on release in plat or below where no one knows what positioning or game sense is


Plays the easiest hero that is punished the least for being played stupidly.

Tells everyone else to play smarter.


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plays in gold, mocks me.

Logic. See, i can do that too


Its an example made to show that taking your methods to their logical conclusion creates ridiculous situations, don’t think about the specifics of the example too much. Logical extremes in either way are never fun, I took your statement of skill, and reversed it to illustrate my point. Brigitte doesn’t invalidate skill anymore than other heroes get invalidated by their counter, hard counters can exist without skill no longer mattering.

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Yeah that’s not an issue at all.

Brig is the main reason i’ve stopped playing 3 day streak going gonna come back though when new sym comes if she doesn’t make this game fun i’m done

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yea, its not an issue. brigitte is a character just like symmetra and mei, someone who is easily countered the more you learn how to fight against her with good positioning and game sense.

Tell me, is sym still op in gold because you run into her laser beam traps and cant destroy her teleporter or punish her no mobility low survivability

Brigitte is easily counterable in the fact she has low mobility, no verticality, a big hitbox, easily countered by aoe and range and simply better positioning. Even as tracer and genji in higher tiers youll never get hit by brigitte unless genjis ulting because they know what positioning and game sense is.

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And now you wonder why we’re already a month into a stale meta. You HAVE to mirror the enemy comp, or risk fighting an uphill battle.

Hanzo has no counters because his E both shreds them and Brig nullifies them. Brig has no counters because Hanzo is a near-hitscan.

Pharah is the 11th most played hero this week, and Brig is still at a 56.66% winrate.

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Skill should matter. In an actual game scenario, you going Bastion does not mean the Winston has to switch. It might be a good idea, but not necessary. The Winston, via skill, can play around, etc, still enabling team, contributing value, etc.

To argue there should be an abundance of situations where someone in Bronze can swap to a hero and invalidate someone in GM from a game is ridiculous, at that point SR doesn’t matter at all.