The Earthshatter fix (hopefully...) can't come soon enough

Not supposed to be on ptr. It isnt ready yet.

At least we agree there are shatter problems.

Also if you look at the freeze frame in the video above no one is behind the pillars even a little bit when he starts the hammer and from that point forward they just walk more in the open.

There is no reason why that didnā€™t hit all three of them other then it bugged out, and has been bugged for a long time.

This made my insides hurt.


Like I explained before tho the animation is bigger tha the moves actual range. forsure should of been hit I think but shes next to that pillar and that throws it off a bit. The other was behind which can also break it and genji was also hugging the wall in the archway. This ult has way to many damn bugs tho Iā€™m stoked for its upcoming fix

While 666 is number of the beast, 69 is the number of a male virgin ā€¦ Just saying.

Are youā€¦ you know it was a joke, right?

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Your point? If you were a satanist, you would use 666 in your jokes :stuck_out_tongue:

The point is it is a joke, which is intended to not be taken seriously.

You missed the joke, itā€™s ok to have a ā€œwhooshā€ moment.

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Well probably not, Christians are the last people who would make fun of Jesus so I donā€™t think satanist would make fun of their idol lol. Or are you saying Iā€™m not allowed to use the number 69?

Iā€™m saying nothing other that 69 is the sign of a male virgin ā€¦ Not sure why you feel insulted or need to defend yourself :wink:

Youā€™re the one who brought up male-virgins to begin with, lol.

Maybe we get back on topic of buggy Reinhardt?

Or, if we all agree that Reinhardt is a male virgin, we could discuss both? :thinking:

Im in the Internet for way too many years now, and i NEVER heard that 69 equals male Virgin. Its used to describe a certain arangement of 2 people during ā€œfuntimeā€


Definitely not true.

Also, heā€™s a video game character, weā€™re talking about the state of Earthshatter.

Man, youā€™re really attached to this male virgin thing. Iā€™m starting to wonderā€¦


This is a quality game right guys?

Iā€™m just saying that was the joke, 69 is an immature number as is the handle ā€œxoJeffBestGirlā€. You pointing this out is kinda showing you donā€™t get the joke lol. I thought the part woulda made that pretty clear, at the very least me saying itā€™s not a real email shouldā€™ve been a decent indicator too.

Clever but Rein is a big bad booty daddy and crushes on the reg. Just ask Brig


I meanā€¦I think it is, lol. I just have a lot of patience and aspirations.

Are you ā€œaccusingā€ me of being a male virgin? :smiley:
Should I now ā€œdefendā€ myself? :smiley:


Youā€™re the one who keeps talking about male virgins, lol.

Itā€™s like the guy who keeps talking about how heā€™s not gay, and how much he loves women, even though no one is asking.

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Naah, Iā€™m just telling the story behind numbers ā€¦