The division in Overwatch (Please lock, got nerco'd)

Poop mains would still think it’s art, because OW is unique and it carters to a variety of styles of art and preferences for smell.

Hi, former Brig player here.

People are stuck in this 2018 mentality that Brig is warping the meta around her, is extremely powerful, etc.

Despite the fact she’s very hard to make work in low ranks UNLESS she’s specifically countering something.

Yes, supports are allowed to counter tanks.

Yes, Brig counters dive.

Yes, Brig has counters and can be countered.

Stop acting like this isn’t the case. Stop forcing dive characters against a team with a Brig. It makes you look like an idiot. Keep your distance, prioritize her death, run Zarya or McCree (or both) for stun and a lot of damage on her if she’s causing you that many problems.

She got 20 flat nerfs. She isn’t a monster. She isn’t destroying your game. 2 years in and you all don’t realize that Brig is, and should be, allowed to counter dive.

Take that away and Dive meta once again becomes ridiculous.


She’s not good lower ranks because a few reasons.

  1. the game isn’t being played properly
  2. the players are bad

Watch top 500 gameplay she’s a dominant pick no matter what comp is being played on both sides

I agree, Dive was too much, supports needed an answer for it, but Brig was NOT the answer for that. She instead enabled Dive more than any other support, created an ENTIRE meta for 6 months that ruled out ALL DPS heroes (most of the player base/cast), removed Lucio and Mercy, meaning Tanks suffered without Lucio, she created power creep because the Devs buffed DPS heroes to match brigs power levels instead of nerfing her. She introduced more problems than any other hero. No one is attacking brig for no reason, there is actually some facts behind it

If you’re familiar with street fighter (Arguably one the most balanced games) you only need look towards Guile vs Akuma. Akuma is vastly more mechanically demanding with a wide variety of special moves. Guile on the other hand has only 2 real moves. Yet no one argues for Guile what you do for Brig. The OW community simply seems to lack the understanding the SF community has with Guile. Guile’s a psychological menace,yes he’s limited so he uses his simple kit a lot more strategically choosing Just engagements carefully and trying to bait players into doing what he wants them to do. Innthe simplicity dynamic, and how it doesn’t necessarily mean there’s an absence of skill, he’s similar to Brig in stratagem. Brigs lack of skill is widely overblown. There’s probably very few characters in Overwatch where I actually have to concentrate/be aware as hard as I do with Brig. Of course you don’t have to, but you do if you want to pop off.


None of those people types are normal.

Thank you guys :heart:

This was fun, But the brig haters have outnumbered us, and I think We should declare their victory.

But, and this is for everyone, ALWAYS LOVE BRIG.

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Reeeeally convenient that every Brig defender is low sr trash and the ones that arent are no skill one tricks that use a crutch hero

The good old “you have low sr therefore your opinion is invalid” sr fetishists always throw out never fails

but in reality, she is both

There is more evidence that brig is meta, than not as well.

Ok, so even OP is biased against statistics.

Brig haters are irrational, since they ignore numbers and want the game unbalanced.

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Yes they are but they are also stubborn brats that love dps and think all others except their favorite hero should not be even viable.

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NO. We may be small, but together, we are strong!

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Does rank matter? No. I understand this game very well. The only thing holding me back is that I barely play comp AND my aim isn’t great.

So one side is normal people and the other is two thirds of the Overwatch community? Gotcha.

Give brig 25 + HP, the forums going bonkers. I like Brig.

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i meannnnn yeah? u literally just put it perfectly, every brig defender either cant play anything else or is extremely low sr… i wonder why? skill matters. please stop saying you understand the game unless you are actually high sr LOL

this is kind of entertaining to me because i went from bronze (s9) to gm (s18) with like 20 hours per season. loool

You are maybe the exception maybe you were grinding in a alt. Maybe you have the mechanical part and grind mentality from another game.

You are saying you played 20hrs overwatch every 3 months over a span of 2 yrs and climbed from bronze to gm.

Maybe for the top 1%, sure. Who cares about those people?

The sheer level of arrogance you need to have to even begin to type this is staggering. Also it’s completely wrong.

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So you’re telling me Brig was made for people who know how to play the game (top 1%), to help those players get value for little to no mechanics? No, she was made for casual and new players to get value out of easily. She is the lowest skill support in the game currently, but gives the most consistent value out of all of them currently.

Her entire kit is made for a new/bad player. She doesn’t have to learn positioing as much as other hard to play supports, she doesn’t require aim, she doesn’t require mechanics to peel, aoe heal, and pocket from range,

If you look at overbuff, Brig is awful in low ranks and really good in GM. So, she’s exactly the opposite of what you’re claiming since it appears that only the top 1% can make her work.

You’re here offering an opinion.

OTOH, I’ve got numbers on my side.