The diffrence beetween scatter and storm arrow

Everyone complains about Hanzo being a no skill hero: he just spams storm arrow bla bla bla, and their best solution is to remove skill shots like headshots?

Like what?


That doesn’t change that scatter wasn’t hard to use

Storm Arrow lets you know it’s coming. Get behind a tank or Wall when you see Hanzo power up

Without headshots, it would just be a straight nerf to scatter. If they reduced the damage by 5 more though, then headshots would be good for it since body shots wouldn’t be as valuable

But I am not great with hanzo back then, and now I am good, only because of storm

Sorry, what? You said Scatter was fair? and then said it felt unfair?

That’s because it was unfair. No other ability can instantly delete tanks like that–no, not even Storm Arrow. Unlike Scatter, Storm Arrow requires a touch more precision because you have to actually aim for a critbox to maximize damage, its damage is spread over a total of ~1.5 seconds (allowing counterplay), can’t be held indefinitely, and it requires multiple shots. Scatter required you to aim at feet, killed instantly (minimizing the amount of counterplay), could be held indefinitely (GG Defense Matrix), and took one shot.

And it felt really bad for the Hanzo to use, only for his arrow to hit some minute weird geometry and wind up useless

There is no sense in which I can agree that Scatter was more fair than Storm Arrow

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This goes to show you barely even played any hanzo back when scatter was a thing and when hanzo was reworked.

You aim at their feet, insta kill any squishy or zarya.

You’re telling me you can reliably hit every single storm arrow? Watch gm streamers, they hit around 2-3 shots total.

He has the potential to do 800 damage, but your chance so of that are so low. Reaper has the potential to one shot a squishy with his primary, yet no one claims thats op

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I said no headshots for storm arrows

storm arrows is literally just faster arrows with less damage for a short time

if you think that’s unfair, then every normal arrow is too

That would underpower the character

To this day i still don’t understand why the overall damage of scatter wasn’t just lowered to not 1 shot tanks. Ricocheting arrows was unique and could be used in a variety of ways.

Instead they scrapped it for another spam ability without even trying other options

No it wouldn’t it would stop hanzos from getting cheap kills. The only thing that made him viable was his arrow speed buff. The storm arrows made him overtuned. He would be just fine without storm arrows honestly

Actually, the arrow speed was the least problematic buff, while the most was his lunge, followed by storm arrows.

Storm arrows are almost there for balance, they just need a tiny bit less damage, while the lunge should’ve never been added in the first place.

This highlights the biggest issue with forums in general – you can’t control what everyone knows and doesn’t know. Someone new always comes up and says this and it is just so inaccurate…

Scatter was designed to melt tanks.
The tool tip in the game states that you should bounce it off the floor for max damage.
Hanzo’s whole kit supported his tank erasing playstyle.

To repeat again, the devs stated that he was supposed to burst down tanky targets. If you feel like you don’t personally enjoy the way the skill was designed then that is fine! Everyone can enjoy their opinions, just try to research into why it was designed the way it was in the first place. :slightly_smiling_face:

I personally find storm arrow a lot easier to survive than scatter was. With enough unpredictable movement or staying conscious of cover i find i can usually avoid most of the arrows and on occasion all of them. Scatter was a different story since it was instantaneous burst damage that was pretty much unavoidable as long as the person could aim at the ground in front of you.

Yes because beeing one shotted out of nowhere is more “fair” than a ‘rapid fire mode’


IMO Storm Arrows can be kept in, so long as their headshot multiplier is reduced. I don’t mind giving Hanzo a tool that can let him better deal with flankers and the occasional tank, but no way do I want Scatter back. It required extremely little skill for a disproportionate amount of value in return, as one could simply aim the arrow at the ground and one-shot a tank.

Scatter had to be reworked, not removed. It was meant to be the finishing ability so they should’ve let it be so. They did not handle it for some reason.

No the arrow speed was by far his most important buff and made him viable and consistent

Why would anyone think that quickly dealing shooting 6 times where each hit does 70 damage would be overpowered? Well that’s pretty much exactly how McCree’s Fan The Hammer used to work. Before Fan The Hammer (FTH) was deeply nerfed in damage output, nanoboost didn’t bring it back to the damage level it used to have.

Now they weren’t exactly the same, FTH is hitscan but unlike Storm Arrows (SA) had a lot of spread. SA is slightly slower to unleash those 6 shots but not that much slower. And FTH wasn’t an ability that was on a cooldown, it’s just a regular right click and McCree could reload and reposition in 0.4 sec with a roll. But the developers decided against simply putting such a capability on any sort of cooldown, they wanted that to NEVER be possible.

They reduced it’s damage massively to a total of only 270 if all 6 shots hit and no possible headshot bonus, which is just weird as it’s supposedly firing the same bullet from the same gun. They very easily could have put FTH on a cooldown so right click was dead until that cooldown was done. So that would have stopped the worst abuses of FTH such as right click->roll->right click to quickly dump 840 damage in less than 2 seconds WHILE being extremely evasive.

So, what changed?

McCree and Hanzo are remarkably similar.

  • They both are 200hp heroes in Damage category with no self-heal.
  • They both have an ability to quickly reposition.
  • They both have an ult that gets few kills but is typically more for zoning.
  • They both have a strong emphasis on getting headshots.
  • They are similar above-average popularity in pick-rate.

Why was 420 damage in 2016 with such a range limit so intolerable? Was it just McCree’s stun ability?

If it is the stun, I think that’s the answer to why Storm Arrows can seem a lot more of a problem than it looks on paper. The problem comes in how Hanzo can so easily chain the Storm Arrows with a regularly fully charged arrow, it’s just so easy for Hanzo to edge around a corner with bow drawn and shoot at the first red outline he sees, THEN can quickly decide to use Storm Arrow to unleash a total of 540 damage in less than 2 seconds if it’s worth it.

I think the balance it needs is just a TINY longer delay from Storm Arrow being activated and some sort of very clear visual telegraph. So it’s just not as easy to perform the effective 7-shot scatter arrow, where the first shot is a fully charged regular arrow. It should be something that has synergy with Hanzo’s leap ability to stretch out engagements a little bit, so the optimum strategy is to shoot once with fully charged arrow then “summon” Storm Arrows which should have a really impressive and distinct audio and visual cue so that the target has a chance to either evade or fight back.

That’s the important difference between Scatter Arrow and Storm Arrows, there was a significant delay from a regular arrow to the “high burst damage” ability. It’s not the ability by itself.

Because at the moment it the elimination can come so quickly and it’s such a simple engagement. While Hanzo isn’t the same as McCree’s old FTH because Hanzo doesn’t have stun and roll, Hanzo doesn’t really need that when he has such long range.