The Devs did listen

I’m fine with that nerf, I would rather keep the fire rate myself.

Can you list everything as it is now on ptr? As they didn’t bother to list it on ptr forums themselfs (talking about latest changes).

Yeah, but that probably encourages too much DPSing and not enough Healing.

Also as somebody who used to be a Pharah main, the idea of having to deal with a Baptiste, two hitscans, a Dva, and maybe an Ana/Zen, is pretty messed up.

Not to mention, from a Rein centric perspective, it means Baptiste doesn’t chew through barriers as fast.

Only things changed on Live (if new PS4 changes are what came from there) are the following:
Removed sigma range nerf
Orisa dmg is down to 10 instead of 9
Mcree is still 200 hp, but has Highnoon buff still.
That’s what I’ve seen and heard from folks on our end. Idk if it’s out anywhere else
Edit: everything else that was up on ptr looks to be the same


they oughta give that +50 hp boost to either ashe or tracer lol

This is the patch as it was released.

This was what it was on the PTR.

The key differences are:

These changes didn’t go through for McCree

  • Base health increased from 200 to 250

Peacekeeper (Primary Fire)

  • Recovery time increased from 0.42 to 0.5 seconds

Instead of this for Orisa:
Fusion Driver (Primary Fire)

  • Damage reduced from 11 to 9

We got:

Fusion Driver (Primary Fire)

  • Damage reduced from 11 to 10

And this change didn’t go through for Sigma.
Hyperspheres (Primary Fire)

  • Range reduced from 22 to 20 meters
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I’m surprised they didn’t give it to Symmetra.

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Ah right. Thanks! 20chars

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Thanks, I didn’t notice these.

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I don’t see any reason for her to get it. she’s already OP. we don’t need it to be worse.

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the turrets specifically. as far as I know, sym relies heavily on sentry turrets.

Symmetra is the third least picked hero in the game…

The second least picked hero in Bronze…

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im hapyy they maintain 200 hp mcree and the nerf to hanzo storm arrow.
orisas still very hard nerf.

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do we even play the same game

people just literally dont want to enjoy anything. I swear the devs could offer every player $100 and y’all would be on here like “only $100?? Cheap devs. Couldnt spare $1000 huh? scumbags”

The vast, vast majority of the community want heroes to have viability. Don’t play a fallacy game.

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yes. symmetra is imo the most op dps hero

This isn’t hard. 1/3 of the heroes are significantly underpowered or antiquated and have been for year(s). It needs to be fixed.

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I think youre confusing “most op” with “my least fav to play against”

Unless you have some statistics about how shes better than everyone?

Edited for Language by the Moderation Team.

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