The delay on Sigma’s shield has to go

Just the heroes being runned right now don’t make that ability as helpful, Reinhardt can hammer through it, and Zarya has a laser weapon. Echo was being runned before banned as one of the DPS and Brigitte and Moira can go through Grasp, It’s just the heroes being runned right now completely counter him.

Orisa always had a delay on her shield deploy when it had 900 health

A rein being aggressive a great opportunity to hit him with a rock. Zarya I would leave to your off tank to deal with save for your ability to deny grav.

Uh…D.Va is not Sigma

It’s like that so that you can set up plays after sigma wastes placing it, if it had no cooldown he’d be blocking gravs and shatters like no one’s business. It’s the same thing with so there’s counterplay at higher levels

It was a sneaky Sombra buff. It happend when they were trying to make Sombra more viable without buffing her kit much directly.

Still, Rein can shield it off, which is again, another reason why Reinhardt can hard counter Sigma. I don’t know personally, i just feel Sigma isn’t as good now as he used to be. But the developers did say they were going to watch the heroes incase they got nerfed too hard so idk.

and you’d be wrong for thinking so.

He’s literally one of if not the worst tank in the game he does not need a single nerf

The problem with that is he already started out with a decently high skill floor. It was double barrier that made him seem relatively easier to use. Without Orisa to back him up, vanilla Sigma wasn’t so bad to deal with.

It wasn’t a nerf to his shield, it was to stop players shield spamming on and off instantly.
The cooldown has to exist for this reason.

His shield needs to be like a rein shield. Than we can talk about hp value, even as it is now its already obnoxious and broken.