The Current State of Baptiste

He works pretty much everywhere besides dive in my experience.

Interesting - that’s not been my experience. I find that it depends on a lot of things:

  1. He doesn’t work that well with certain dps heroes. Pharah is a good example. Dive dps are another. Widowmaker is another, though she’s more ambiguous (If you give her the lamp, she can often win sniper duels.)
  2. He doesn’t work that well if your team is split up.
  3. If you’re running heavy tanks who take a lot of damage then he often needs a second healer with a relatively high hps.
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He’s hella weak. Unreliable heals, no self-protection or escape beyond that lamp everyone quickly learned to shoot first.

And unlike Moira or Ana, he can’t actually defeat anyone flanking him, which for a soldier-type hero is kind of ridiculous.

It’s a shame - I was hoping he could provide some counterplay to all the damn one-shots, but alas.

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I think he’s great and play him alot. He excels in grouped comps like death ball and goats. Dive not so much but I’ve had serviceable results just tossing my IF over and spamming heals from afar. If the team is scattered, like we usually are below masters, then Bap will have a tough time. Which is probably why you see those results, he shines at high levels because the players know to stay together.

That being said his regen burst needs more uumph and his gun needs more oomph. His ult is more a zoning tool than anything but occassionally makes for some crafty surprises.

I was looking at Overbuff competitive stats for This Week by rank. It was showing <50% for Diamond and below win rates and >55% for Masters+.

A couple of things here:

  1. The average win rate in GM is usually slightly above 54%. A 55% win rate there is not that high. The average win rate in Masters is usually just below 53%. Baptiste’s weekly win rate there is currently about 53%.

  2. Weekly averages in Overbuff are not terribly reliable for Masters and GM because of the small sample size. Especially when a hero has a low pick rate. You can expect them to be within a few percentage points of the actual average, which is quite a huge range in this situation. In those ranks you should really only use the monthly averages. Baptiste’s monthly win rate average in GM is 54.17%, which is well within the norm for that rank.

I wrote a post about this sort of stuff a while back if you’re interested:

Even looking at monthly data, there’s a significant jump for Baptiste above Diamond that is unusual compared to how other heroes look.

Look at Ana’s win rates through the ranks. Baptiste’s win rates track hers quite closely. They’re in the same boat of being main healers with aim requirements for healing. Baptiste is a bit behind Ana in most ranks, but people have had much longer to play her.

Also, new heroes tend to take a while to normalize their win rates. This usually happens in high ranks before it happens in low ranks.

Baptiste is fine. The reason his win rate is significantly higher in Masters and GM is because they play the game correctly. They don’t run Baptiste with Dive or Quad DPS. They run him in the top tier ranked meta right now, which is Bunker, because Orisa is the best tank on paper at the moment. (I still think it’s Hammond for most situations, but there’s no point in arguing with a 58% winrate and 6% pickrate.)

I guess this is what happens. Two of Baptiste’s signature are immortality field and amp matrix, which requires the enemy team and your team knowing how to aim/kill effectively to gain maximum value. He becomes stronger when shots actually counts, where master is the place that starts to happen consistently.

Immortality field is useless against a widow who can’t aim, but is a life saver against a widow who can land head shots.

It’s also amazing if you give it to a Widow who can hit head shots. She can just stand there and aim as she pleases.

I feel of anything bapps needs changes aimed at buffing his low end capabilities, without heavily effecting his high end performance.

I’d argue for things like small buffs to his healing nades radius.

They’re an aoe effect that doesn’t feel like an aoe because the range is so small.

In practice they feel more like a wonky Ana unscoped primary. Sure they can hit the ground at the targets feet- but rarely do you have the sight line needed to do that.

This could help make Baptiste a more reliable hero, but it would also make his healing more likely to affect multiple targets at once. That could have an incredible effect on his healing output and upset the balance of his power level. It’s not a bad idea, but it would have to be a very, very small tweak.

Agree- but that was the point.

I feel an AoE healing nade healer should be healing groups, and not feel Ione a single target healer.

Also agree it may bump up his total healing too much, and his healing as a result may need lowered.

He’s fairly difficult to play and requires solid coordination from your team to get the most out of his kit, but I’m not convinced he needs buffs yet.

Feels like he’s just falling by the wayside since for most players find Ana much easier to use and stronger outside 6 stacks.

He seems pretty good in bunker.

I put ult down in front of ally Widow and she walked away. :rage:

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IF I was suggest anything, I would say one of the following:

  • Slight increase in ult duration
  • Reduce cooldown of regen burst by 2-3 seconds
  • Make amp matrix larger
  • Increase heal grenade radius slightly
  • Reduce recoil slightly

That being said, I highly doubt he will receive any changes.

Has he been out that long already ?? For a current state thread…? :rofl:

bunker is a form of deathball.