The Brutal Truth About Sombra

And people enjoyed playing her a lot with her low numbers, before they decided she must have infinite invisibility and breakable translocator, slowed down speed and call that a buff. It’s a clear nerf now mh ? Numbers show it.
Doesn’t matter what tier she is, she was enjoyable.

you forgot to add the following: “Unless Sombra mains give up on hack as a common ability”. Also, Mei is another fine example of that because of her primary fire that is the epitome of unfun especially if you play as tank.

Brig and reaper also have this problem. I disagree with mercy though I think she’s pretty balanced right now.

I think a lot of the problem is that when overwatch was being made they didn’t really know how this game would play out in the real world. When people got good, half the roster became useless because mobility was just better than everything. Then they tried to make the useless heroes useful again, and they’ve done a pretty good job with that but I can’t help but feel like there are certain heroes that just don’t fit very well into the game anymore such as bastion and reaper. Bastion is just a ridiculous hero and I find it ridiculous the he even exists. Whenever a bastion pick happens it just turns a good game into an obnoxious game for both sides. Does anyone really enjoy playing defend the bastion or throw all your fire power at the bastion? It’s just boring obnoxious gameplay. Reaper feels like an outdated design that’s just too slow an clunky to be effective vs other dps but then you buff him and you risk him becoming a complete nightmare when he does get in range.

Brig was just a straight up mistake. She broke the game for 9 months and now she’s going in the gutter cause bliz got so much backlash from the community and she will remain in the gutter til bliz can figure out a rework cause there is no balancing a kit as broken as brigs.


Is it ok if you explain further how Mei’s state that she is in now is a Perfectly Balanced Middle Ground for the character? I just need a few more details for clarification.

I was under the impression that she was similar to that of Symmetra or Reaper (whichever example you believe fits better), Her kit has Annoying attributes as part of the heroes principle coding but that frustrating ability moveset isn’t overbearing for the playerbase as playing around their playstyle is a very easy and simple tactic to accomplish.

However their character’s Niche that they’re meant to fill has very rarely or not even at all popped up in this game’s 3 year lifespan.

  • Reaper fighting close range to take down Tank heroes is outshined by others being able to do just as high damage outputs from longer ranges and/or without any risk to themselves.
  • Sym being able to bounce around characters with the teleporter isn’t required very often and when it can be of use requires too much communication and coordination
  • And of course Mei blocking off areas of the map and slowing down targets hasn’t ended up ever being an integral key to stopping a particular composition from running you over in any meta. Even in the ideal scenario for her to shine like GOATS where none of the character’s bar Dva and Lucio have the mobility to escape the trap, Mei still hasn’t been a vital meta key to stop it. Unlike how Junkrat once picked was an incredible roadblock against Quad Tank/Slambulance.

Let’s remove Genji’s blades then so that he can be less of a lamo character ?
Let’s kill the core personality and kit that are part of their story mh ?
Yeah like Mei, she literally creates this in her short, but let’s remove it, right.

Mei is good, could use a little more to increase her rates but, why is it not the dominant DPS holding the others down ?

Lore have nothing to do with game balance since forever i mean, you want scatter arrow back? If you want your character to always be bad thats on you. Hack is what bottlenecks her from being a S tier character like Tracer for example. Mei’s primary fire literally touches you at the end of it and you get a giant amount of move speed reduction that makes her catch up with you and eventually freeze you unless you have an escape ability. Genji isn’t lame tho. i’m pretty much done trying to put sense in Sombra mains head because everytime is the same answer: “would you take out a core part of her kit?” then quit complaining she is bad omg.

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The problem is the devs put too much power into a single ability that they have to compromise the rest of the heroes kit and make it weak to keep them balanced. Simple fix, reduce the power level of that single ability and then put more power into other areas of that heroes kit.

Mercy - res
Bastion - sentry
Sombra - hack
Brig - Rally

All of these are too powerful and need to be toned down to make the hero a possibility to become balanced.

Edit: fyi I play mercy, sombra or brig most games, also zen. So this is in not like im someone from the outside looking in. I play these heroes and know that these abilties are holding back the true potential of the hero.

Previous abilities that have now been adjusted to better balance heroes include:

Zarya - grav
They reduced the size and speed that zarya can get her ultimate but compromised by giving zarya a slower decay on her energy. Made her less of a grav bot and more balanced.

Dva - Defense Matrix
Defense matrix used to have virtually no down time and dva was solely picked for being a dm bot. They they compromised reducing her defensive capabilities by increasing her offensive ones. Adding micro missiles and adding the ability to fly and shoot simultaneously. These changes made dva to be more balanced as a hero.

Hanzo - scatter
Hanzo’s primary was so inconsistent that the only thing hanzo had going for him was scatter. The problem being that it was crutch and again inly picked because of that ability. By reworking that ability into storm arrows and making his primary more consistent it made hanzo a more balanced hero.

Im not saying that these heroes are now ‘balanced’ because of these changes made but that as a hero became more centralised in their role and kits rather than the majority of their power being in a single ability. It can be argued that dva, hanzo and zarya may be too strong of heroes and that they require changes but that doesnt change the fact that as heroes they became more balanced.


Thats a straight lie. Its more like the community doesnt want her to be balanced because they hate seeing her in their games.
They dont want to play with one, nor against one.

There used to be a 2 week period last february where they buffed her and she was completely balanced based on stats. But the pros complained so they panic nerfed her, resulting in even more broken bugs rendering her useless for months to come.

In the midst of a tank meta, and she sucks. She doesn’t shut them down, largely because they’re never alone and complement each other.

I’m not even sure we need to go this far. You can follow up Earthshatter, Graviton Surge, Blizzard, Supercharger, Valkyrie and other ‘setup’ ults easily enough, why is EMP special? You can follow up a Discord, or Bionade and that graphic isn’t amazing either.

Those things don’t hold back Zarya, Zen or Rein even at the lowest levels of play.

Sombra is just a weak hero. She can be balanced, the playerbase just need to allow it. But they won’t.

The sugar skull is a minor thing, a QoL pet peeve which has nevertheless been requested by basically everyone since Sombra’s first appearance. Seeing that this effect is actually present in the game (with Bob) simply stings even more.

EDIT: didn’t you quote the wrong person by accident?

Shatter and grav are hard CC. Its not hard to follow up on them.
Super charger is a passive buff. You just play like usual and profit from it. Same with Valkyrie. Non of these require any awareness from your teammates. Some heroes lying stunned on the ground is not comparable to a hack target, which behaves like usually but just with abilities on cooldown and some red swirls around them.

Are you daring to suggest EMP isn’t that strong at all?

In respect to the others, actually they do usually mean following up with cooldowns and ults, same as EMP.

I’m not saying its not strong, I’m saying it requires more effort from your teammates to follow up on it.

They should rework hack. It could work like discord, but it would only makes cds longer not totally shut down abilities. Then she could be balanced more easily imo.

Best thing to do with sombra would be:

  • Hack duration reduced 6 secs -> 4 secs
    and then either
  • Increase sombra’s damage per bullet 8 -> 10
  • Sombra deals 30% more damage to hacked enemies

Reduce her utility, increase her offensive capabilties. Makes her less reliant on her team and able to secure kills. EMP is still 6 seconds, just hack is reduced. Doesnt change the health pack timer or turrets etc. either. Makes hack less oppressive and less of a necessity in sombras kit. Hack should compliment sombras kit not be thr main focal point of it.

She is super strong if you keep your accuracy up above 35%.

That would just push her into a stealth assassine role and people would complain way more about getting cheesed like that, than getting hacked.

Whats worse, getting hacked for 6 seconds, or simply dying in half a second without time to react?

There is a reason she has low damage. Not to mention she would have EMP every teamfight again.

Obviosuly you would nerf the charge rate of emp to compensate for the increase in damage :man_facepalming: Its called balancing. Then again we are talking about the same people that gave junkrat a whole extra 120 dmage on a mine and didnt nerf his ult charge. Or that gave hanzo storm arrows a much more consistent source of damage compared to scatter and also improved hi primary without nerfing his charge.

Well clearly the whole ‘stealth disruptor’ thing blizzard are trying to balance her to be isnt working. Her kit is designed around her being an assassin yet she doesnt have the damage to follow up on that role. She has the passive to see critical enemies for gods sake. If that doesnt scream assassin i dont know what does

Still doesnt solve the stealth assassine issue.

Added more about that :point_up_2: