The Brutal truth about post topics

Putting “The Brutal Truth” in the post topic title makes the content neither ‘Brutal’ nor does it make it ‘true’.

As a matter of fact, it seems that most people who put this are actually quite ineffectual in their arguments, and often are incorrect.


Welp, those are opinions that people think are 100% true even if they are not


The brutal truth: CATCHPHRASE!


Bruh… What have I done? Lol. I made 2 “brutal truth” threads. Which both seemed to be well-received.

The Brutal Truth About Sombra:

The Brutal Truth About Mercy:

But now…? I have seemed to create a meme or trend. Why? I have no idea. But, it has spread like water. Lmao. These forums are hilarious. :joy:

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Do you try to summon someone to this topic??

Nooo??? :shushing_face:


I would have preferred “My Brutal Opinion” on those types of threads. It would add a certain level of authenticity to them. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Does Jelly know that you’re going solo from now on? :thinking:

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Most of the last ones are jokes anyway, so what’s so bad about them?

Yep. Just a harmless joke is all. Lol. I didn’t even intend for it to become a mini-meme. But, it apparently did. xD

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Wait, if there’s Jam…where’s Jelly at?
Yells for JellyandJam. I FOUND YOUR JAAAAAAAM!

~ PyroPanda

Think I’ve seen like maybe two of those named threads >.>?

Edit: Just did a search, there were like two before today that said this, the rest of them seem to be absolute memes or people being upset about reading the title “The brutal truth”. It’s not a problem, but it is funny how it caught on as a meme :stuck_out_tongue:

Did y’all have to perform the summoning ritual while I was in class? Sheesh.

Well, whatever, I’m here now.



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