What are your thoughts on the Brigitte changes?

It’d be cool if we stopped listening to people who cry that any hero that requires more fast-twitch muscle fiber should always win over characters that require less.

Brig is fine. Pros need to learn to play around her.

I agree with you 100% but that’s not gonna happen. What surprises me the most in the end is that the pros didn’t force the devs to nerf Brig earlier.

Maybe they didn’t want to make it look as obvious as Sombra’s nerf, two weeks after she got a good buff (and that annoyed a lot of pro players). But here we are, Brigitte is nerfed. Who’s next ?

I actually brought that up in another thread, it’s like that dragon strike damage boost nerf all over again, that’s another inconsistency right there.

They shouldn’t bend the rules of the game whenever it pleases them, if they want to nerf brigitte then they can at least keep the nerfs consistent with the rules of the game instead of exceptions without reason.

If we listened to only Pros and forum whiners the game would basically just be cartoon counterstrike. Pros and GM+ would be like 200 brain-damaged weirdos deep in the spectrum playing Quake 3 with Overwatch skins, and everything under that would be people blindly flailing at eachother because you have to be mainlining adderall or be so far into the spectrum you’re on mars in order to play at a high degree of “skill”.

This is a game played by millions of people, 99% of which play at very average or below level. Making “low skill” heroes suck and “high skill” heroes have an impossible skill floor so they’re only effective for people who play sitting on a chamberpot is nonsense.

Someone tell Effect to go take a bath.


Rather than just looking at it only from a balance perspective, the other reason why the dev is doing this due to the drought of Tanks player, resulting a majority of games to have 4-5 DPS because no one wants to play tank anymore.

From this perspective, it does make sense.

Then they can make shield bash do something else besides stun, there’s all sorts of other ways to delete her which i believe this inconsistent nerf will also do, in general brigitte doesn’t need nerfs and this nerf is only in relation to reinhardt anyways.

Here’s another example of what a inconsistent nerf is, you know how people complain about pharamercy on console or in general, it would be like letting mercy guardian angel to everyone but pharah as a fix to that problem.

That’s just bad balance.

If they need to buff her down the line that is fine, but this is how shield bash should have worked all along.

pros wanted tracer and dive tanks nerfed which, unsurprisingly, would’ve been really beneficial to the game’s health

instead we just got the lazy sledgehammer approach via brigitte who bandaid fixes the many balance problems this game has and ended up hurting a lot of heroes in the process

As a Brigitte player I don’t mind. It’s a fair change and won’t “ruin her” like some people think.

A lot of Brigitte mains are as stick up as the people who are against her, it’s kinda bad. Not willing to get a nerf or change because they think Tracer will instantly dominate again.

Brigitte wasn’t supposed to be a Rein counter, that was an unfortunate side effect of her bash being melee and this going through sheilds. This is ok.

True :confused: ! I think the community has forgotten Overwatch wasn’t supposed to be a pure FPS game. What I liked about the game is that it had so many possibilities in terms of gameplay (aim - no aim heroes, healers, tanks etc…).

I was naive to think it would please everyone to have so many choices… and it became some sort of competition among the players between “skilled” and “unskilled” heroes, even though I don’t think such a think exists.

I’m really sad when I look back at the game, it lost so much because of the community’s bad behaviour.

If I wanna be all about the aiming skill etc… there are other games for this (without healers and tanks). Overwatch is not supposed to be all about the dps.

True but she is supposed to be a dive counter and i think a monkey with a entire shield bubble is going to negate her as that.

They could have just made it so reinhardt doesn’t drop his shield when stunned instead of the inconsistency of a melee ability not going through shields.

That’s a very bad idea.

Reduce the shield hp or reduce the movement speed with the shield up or both. So the dps has a chance bring down her shield be for she can get to her target.


I love it! Absolutely love it!

That’s actually another good suggestions, but it will nerf McCree high-risk high-reward with throwing the flashbang over Reinhardt shield.

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I think you’re all over reacting. (Shocking)

Unless you play main tank (most notably, Rein) this change does absolutely nothing to nerf Brig. She’ll still be able to 1v1 every DPS hero in the game and probably win if put in her strongest area (short range), and effectively delete all non-shield tanks.

Her healing and armor packs didn’t get nerfed. Her bash range didn’t get nerfed again. The only change is not going through shields. So, unless you play main tank you’re still going to hate Brig just as much as you do now.

I think it still won’t satisfy some people.

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Winston is going to benefit too, his typical shield dance is going to work wonders on her now.

She doesn’t even need to land the bash (not that it’ll even be effected by this change anyway) to counter dive. Literally every single part of her kit counters dive and arguably, the armor and burst heal is the strongest counter in the first place.

I see why they took this route. But she risk being too underpowered, I think if she can use whip shot Rein through shield it could prevent that from happening. Its not as strong as a stun but it can still trigger her Inspire.

What about when stunning him through the shield only then, it’ll still do the damage and have the stun effect but the shield won’t drop if someone stuns reinhardt throught his shield, it could be like a passive ability of some sort.

It would at least be consistent.