The Brig nerfs make me so happy

There’s nothing wrong with some heroes having exceptions. Every hero can bend a few rules to help with balance and make a hero feel unique.

Yes. That will go swimmingly on maps like Temple of Anubis.

My guy, you’re advocating a hero who’s greatest skill to master is not falling asleep before you win the game.

So excuse me if that really doesn’t inspire confidence in the idea that you have a healthy perception of what skill is or is not.

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I dont know what you have in mind, but im happy when i think of idea that im not gona be punching bag for doomfist when i play reinhardt, its worse that watching phara and having nothing to shoot her down.
To be honest brig was never problem for me, only doomfist is just to much, i just hate that guy

Constant battle of attrition? Sounds like the most boring version of ow possible.

Yes, but only if the exceptions make sense kit wise. So why is one melee attack, out of every other melee attack, suddenly not going to go through a shield? This isn’t like Genji’s deflect on Rein’s hammer because deflect is actually unique.

Dont start with me on the skill thing

I literally could not care less about this skill thing everyone makes a fuzz about

I just play the game, i counter pick and win

I dont start whining due to " ohno x hero killed me no skill blabla"

Haha. Why? Because you don’t play heroes that take skill?

I mean don’t say don’t start, you threw the first punch lmao. Maybe you’re the one who shouldn’t start.

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So then Rein can do his job a bit better without fearing infiniCC.

Oh no. How terrible for one class to feel totally helpless when being targeted by another class. Never happened before! /s

It should. All her abilities are blocked by shields except her Shield Bash.

It needed a nerf because she always shield bashed Rein and the teammate rein follows up with big slam. Now Brigitte needs to actually put some effort into doing that because Pro Reins will counter it now.

The whole “/s” thing makes you look really childish in my eyes.

I’m trying to have an actual discussion with you.

Oh no. I’m seen in a negative light by someone else. How terrible!

Then if you know I’m being lighthearted, why don’t you move onto someone else where your words won’t fall on deaf ears?

People will still complain :joy:

Honestly what was he laughing at in the original movie. That’s what I wanna know

Peter Parker wanted an upfront payment.

No, because its a meaningless argument used by people who just want to inflate their egos, and to justify their loss vs certain heroes they consider no skill

It has no real merit to any argument as its mostly subjective

You were the one who responded to my comment first tho…

Not really. McCree needs to work for his Flashbang on a Rein. Brigitte never had to work for it. What I mean is that McCree needs to look up and flashbang over Rein’s Shield. Or trick him by looking up and flashbanging his feet etc.

Brigitte will need to work for that Shield Bash too. Just adds more counterplay and skill to Shield Bash is all the nerf is doing. It makes it interesting and skill now.

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McCree’s kill potential is exponentially higher than Brigitte.

Even if they nerf Brig in this manner, people will still complain. Even if she does work for her stun, it’ll still piss off people because she stunned them and killed them. There are a lot of Brig whiners that want her deleted lol.

so in other words genji is still OP, symmetra is almost unplayable now, sombra needs buffs and mercy’s season 6 update ruined her.

got it.

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