The Brig nerfs make me so happy


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Will it stop people from complaining about her finally?

I highly doubt it.


You are a great Magic 8-Ball. Hopefully no one shakes you.

I want to be shook.



Oh goody. The Overwatch team is making another change that’s not related to the problem. Hooray…

I’m pretty sure part of her problem is her ability to stun through barriers.

I think it’s a good step.

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Whats the change?

Brig won’t be able to stun through rein’s barrier. Some people are hopeful that it means all barriers.

Also… It’s just an idea they are kicking around. Might not even come into fruition.

Shes balanced

They keep nerfing her due to incesant whining from the community

But shes fine


Gee…I wonder what hero could possibly counter that ability?

It’s coming to the PTR. That’s an assurance that it will go live.

That’s what they said about Genji and Mercy.

It didn’t save them from getting nerfs. It won’t save Brigitte now.

No need to be like that. Her bash would still be strong even after more counters added.

That would probably kill off goats at the higher levels, since that entry stun + focus fire is what makes it so godly rn. In other words, will probably happen lol

That depends on your definition of strong. Doom can also stun through shields. Will the community come after him next?

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I’m hoping they extend it to him too.

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I don’t see how people don’t use junkrat to counter Brig. It’s so easy to bait her into a trap.