The 'Black Girl' Hero & Apex Legends

This comment right here just showed that you seen color more than anyone here. You’re not happy, you’re racist lol.

Get to be black, like it’s an achievement or something.

That’s the thing. A lot of times questions aren’t asked in good faith. Fruitslayer’s were, mainly because they didn’t immediately dismiss the answers and launch into a hail of insults. They were truly having a conversation, which is rare on the Internet.

But in general, the radical right, alt-right reactionaries, and the little kiddies who follow them on YouTube engage in arguments and JAQ’ing off specifically to try and own the libs as runoff from the behavior of anon boards like 4chan. They don’t care whether or not they have sensible or consistent viewpoints because there’s no value in that in an online environment where you can’t verify identity and intent. They care about simply pissing people off, and gaslighting a genuine person who’s naive enough to try and engage with a succession of bile on sensitive topics is an easy way to do it. It’s a new world now, so new rules. We honestly don’t owe right-wingers a damn thing anymore. They can take a long walk for all I care.

And in general though, I don’t owe anyone the courtesy of answering questions about my life. It is not my responsibility to educate others on basic matters of human decency that ultimately amount to “don’t be a racist moron.” I don’t have a degree in this nor do I get paid for any of the posts I write on here. I’m a human being with a limit to my patience and energy. If I’m tired of acting like a sideshow to non-black folks who “just want to understand” things that they could parse by simply reading Du Bois’ wiki page, so be it. I have the right to spend my time however I choose, and it’s not on the schedule of any member of this forum.

If you want to shepherd every person who asks you to justify your blackness, you’re free to do so. I won’t stop you nor admonish you for it. You’re more optimistic than I am. Just don’t wag your finger at me when I use my God-given right to say “I don’t feel like doing this right now.”

I read perfectly fine, your other post didn’t make it completely clear if you knew that, so I was just letting you know. There is not a reason to get so hostile over something so small.

Tell me about it. I guess according to a few folks here in this thread, I’m not Black either. Lol. People boldly asking if the female members of my family have weave, and are lying to me. Asking if I’m “sure” of their ethnicity and all that. It’s pretty funny. Family and I had quite a laugh browsing through this thread, and all that jazz. Good quality stuff. :grin:

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It’s exactly how psychology works, and it is how the ad instustry and beauty standards make their money. British people play a wide variety of roles, and the general public also learns about them in their classes. The end result is that they get far less harmful stereotypes than groups whose media portrayals is much more hostile like the Russians. Political elites help goose these feelings all the time, quietly supporting movies and shows that serve as propaganda against whatever group they don’t want you to like.

Black women don’t have a ton of positive, heroic stories that people pickup from media or elsewhere. And the end result is that black women generally end up with a rougher time than black men. OW having a black woman all on it’s own can’t change that, just as a single drop of rain can’t make a ocean. But if there was a lot of representation of all different types on media, that would help make a change. And we’re not gonna make progress if we never take these first steps. It is not a coincidence that attitudes towards black people have improved as media representation has gotten better.

And that sets aside the economic opportunities that come from black representation for black artists.

It sends the message, subconsciously, about what black people can be. They aren’t just history lessons about oppression or thugs, they can be heroes, doctors, lovers, etc.

It doesn’t need to have a message to convey one. Human beings notice patterns in everything because we are social animals. If the only time to include black people is something bad, never positive or neutral. People pickup on that stress associated with seeing black people and adjust their views accordingly.

It is a part of a push for representation. And there are plenty of social studies about the benefits of it, the harm of exclusion, and the negative health effects caused by the stress of minor racism.

To be fair reading these kinds of topics is annoying. It is annoying speaking out in favor of a social issue, it is annoying listening to it, and it is annoying seeing others discuss this stuff ad nauseam.

But it’s also the only way progress gets made. That’s been true of human history. And most people change their mind and don’t even know what they were thinking opposing it after positive action has come about and people shutup about it.

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Out the gate Apex legends hero’s>>>>> overwatch heros and I love all the personality in over watch heros.

But its EXTREMELY refreshing for 2 black females to be strong go to characters from the jump and to have a cast that literally doesn’t have a generic white male show runner and a tutorial that doesn’t start you off with that.


White people take that kind of thing for granted a lot because 95 percent of the time they are visually represented in there media or they have the lead roles or are just stock and default.

If apex legends went for diversity they hit all the marks without it coming off forced (outside of announcing sexuality of characters) and the characters seem very cool and full of life. Some great Voice acting.

Also people stop calling ana and pharah and sym black… at that point you might as well call sombra black too.


I’m quite impressed by your ability to perfectly understand the motivation of people you’ve never met, spoken to, heard from, read anything about or even know the names of.


Am I the only one in here who gives a flying f#ck about what skin colour the hero I’m playing has???
I don’t even care the gender for f#cks sake…
Most of the time I don’t even see my own character…an arm, tops -.-

I pick my hero by it’s skill set and it’s skill set only and I reached a point in my life where I take a computer game as what it is…a fictional work.
I myself don’t need any representation in a game whatsoever…not nationwise, not skincolourwise and definately not for my sexual orientation…

IT IS A GAME!!! I enjoy diversity…but if you feel like fighting over things like this, pick better battles…get another black man into the white house since the last black dude did so well…or even better, a woman for a change…maybe even Latino. That’d be great.
Break through the white club where it actually matters…

Also only 1 confirmed white person? So does it need more representation for white people?

It depends on what part of mexico they are from. Some people have up to 60% or more native american blood. others have like 15%

You know what I love most about this line? It just shines as an example that at some point it became socially acceptable to denegrate white males. “we want equal racial representation! Except for boring white males bleh gross!”

Ah what a humorous world we live in.


Here are some synonyms for generic


In most media and entertainment a white male is the “generic” or general…common… and as a whole the collective used as the main characters, stars, heroes, protagonist or antagonist.

I personally don’t care about equal representation like that, I just want some accurate representation.

And yes when you are feed something over and over and over again it becomes generic no need to take offense, feel like it degrades white men or find it humorous.

It just is what it is, and if saying white men have become generic is a problem, that’s a great problem to have if your a white male.

So you don’t see the irony in this statement then I take it.

Thanks for the vocabulary lesson though I guess?


There’s nothing ironic about it.


They said they will add one, ffs relax.

Is it “be all end all” of we don’t have an african american woman? My goodness.


According to about half the forums, anyone who isn’t a straight white male must fill out an application form for permission to exist, clearly documenting at least two reasons for existing, before they are allowed to exist.

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I can say with 100% certainty that games aren’t these random accidents. They are deliberately designed by human beings. Every decision to put something in that isn’t a bug or exploit is a conscious one. You cannot include characters into a game by accident. Thus, every crappy minority character beforehand, and the lack of minority characters in general, happened because tens, sometimes hundreds of people ignored the problem.

And gaming has a representation problem. We can talk about whether or not developers are malicious or just sloppy and naive, but trying to act like how bad representation is in the industry is some freak accident and “you can’t say that” is literally ridiculous.


Well said.

I mean, are you against having a black american girl in ow? cause right now it kinda sounds like it. You can’t forget that being black is a minority race in america/europe and having representation is important. soldier being gay was justified by him representing all the gay ppl so…

and imo, making a character black is less problematic than deciding to make one gay