The better I get at the game the more I realize how broken Bap and Brig are

Yep, I truly hope for a rework with a more engaging play style and more independence.

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How is she preventing tank balance??? She isn’t even preventing support balance let alone tank.

It’s not that, it’s that they do so many things and do them right

Brig is preventing Tank balance, because we’re stuck with an issue where having two strong SingleBarrier at a time would cause DoubleBarrier.

Which wouldn’t be a problem if those DoubleBarrier compositions were weak at close range.

Brig prevents that close range weakness, by offering a large variety of Dive countermeasures.

Doubleshield is absolutely dead. It came back because baptiste got buffed, not brig. If anything baptiste is preventing tank balance. Brig has nothing to do with it.

So you’re telling me you can’t comprehend a scenario where more than one SingleBarrier Tank is worthwhile at a time?

That your imagination cannot move beyond the status quo?

Lamp is broken, baptiste without lamp is fine and brig is fine.

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No. I’m telling you that doubleshield is no more a brig problem. Because the buff she got that made it come back and be hard meta is long reverted. She is exactly the same she was when people said “brig is dead” and her pickrate dropped to bastion levels. Metas changed and now she is middle of the pack at best. I’m not saying she wasn’t problematic because she obviously was, but actually the problems this game has at this moment have literally nothing to do with brigitte. And nerfing her for whatever reason will not make this problems go away because the problems we have now aren’t her fault. Right now in this current meta she sucks. The only supports who need balance changes and aren’t “balanced” are baptiste and Moira. Baptiste because he was buffed and brought back an entire meta on top of it and Moira because she is hot trash.

Do you really think regurgitating the status quo at me, is a reasonable answer to what would happen if we had more than one strong Barrier Tank at a time?

And why is that a brig problem? What’s wrong if Reinhardt Orisa are strong? Or rein sigma or Orisa sigma or literally anything else? What are you trying to accomplish here??

What’s wrong, is that would instantly cause a DoubleBarrier meta.

But if DoubleBarrier didn’t have strong AntiDive options, then that wouldn’t cause a DoubleBarrier meta.

So… oh this two tanks who have a barrier are strong, better nerf brig again.

The way I see it. Fixing tanks = Fixing queue times.

And not fixing queue times could easily lose this game 5-20% of it’s playerbase, and half the new/returning players they would have kept for OW2 launch.

By comparison, upsetting high tier Brig/Bap players might cost them anywhere between 0.01% of the playerbase, and 0.1% if the playerbase.

And if you replace those playstyles on Brig/Bap with more selfish playstyles (I.e. SelfReliant Frontline brawler Brig), then Brig pickrate across all ELOs would double, or more.

And people would start crying and raging at blizzard again until they nerfed her to the ground again. And the cycle would never end.

People will complain, sure. But that’s always going to happen, no matter what you do.

Where as the idea that they should just deliberately not fix queue times, because 0.1% of the players might get upset, is economic suicide for Blizzard.

If they fix queue times and for whatever reason brig becomes a better hero than she is now do you think people would be okay with it? People don’t wanna see brig “balanced”, they don’t wanna see her at all. If they needed to wait hours to play a game where brig didn’t even exist they would.

I don’t think a version of Brig that’s balanced something like this, would be objectionable to enough DPS players to matter.

What game are you playing? Brig can be crushed into dust instantly with a little focus

She has no escape options/virtually no mobility, 2nd lowest dps at 58 per second (lower than Winston dps) and a measly 15hp/s self heal, barely higher than payload heals

Sounds interesting but I doubt that would make these people stop crying about her. I wouldn’t even be surprised if those changes made her “OP” and she would later be nerfed to the ground again.

Its not just their tankyness, with that argument Moira would be broken too. A big problem with Brig was her passive AoE healing, unlike other supports she is able to use her full kit while healing

Example Lucio: You cant speedboost while healing, while Brig can use all of her abillitys during inspire, Moira doesnt provide anything else exept healing anyway

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