Balance is not a catchphrase for that. Balance is short for “fairness” which is ill defined. Hence the need to define terms.
So your definition for a catchphrase, is an even more vague catchphrase?
No my definition for balance is fairness. The best way to implement balance in my opinion is the topic of the thread.
Fairness isn’t a catchphrase. You are misusing that word. Fairness is an abstract, metaphysical concept.
That’s like saying the definition of a Truck is “It’s a car”.
No, its like saying the definition of a truck is a car with xyz properties.
Balance → synomomous with harmony → harmony is a metaphysical, subjective concept → with respect to gaming is fairness → implemented in overwatch by the above.
I used a catch phrase? I didn’t realize that Top-bottom or bottom-top is a catchphrase. Felt it is pretty straight forward.
Balance for the common player, or balance for the best, incredibly hard, closer to impossible and seems like a heck of a lot more work to try and do both. Espeically when balancing for the top doesn’t mean the bottom will leave the game.
It might even provide a better insight on how to get better if there weren’t characters who did extremely well at the lower ranks but drop off dramtically as you go.
Sure, in the broad sense they’re not incapable of doing their job. But there are some fundamental issues with them. Even if it’s not overtly seen.
Bastion is getting a complete rework. Reaper is a bit more random than people like, hence the adjustments to spreads.
OWL and higher tiers play the game very differently from the lower rungs. Damage is more controlled and eliminations tend to take far less time. OWL is especially highly coordinated and communicative, mitigating a lot of overt weaknesses.
No, it’s balancing. It’s intentional.
There are no main tanks. Never have been. Never intended to be. Never will be. When start you understanding this, you’ll understand why the Tank role is allowed to be as strong as it is.
The role isn’t going away. It’s going to be even stronger.
No in the sense that they do their job if you are good. If you copied all of danned’s playstyle perfectly, you would climb to 4.5k on doomfist. Same with the sym one tricks. People are literally just trash and lazy and stupid, and then complain about hitscan.
Your OWL comment is still irrelevant, since I don’t think the game should be balanced around OWL, as per the thread topic.
There are absolutely main tanks. I have no idea what you are talking about. They have more health, and less dmg. They are deleting the role of main tank.
But literally any hero can be one tricked to 4.4k SR.
Not moira, bastion, sombra, reaper in current season. Everyone else is fine. The fact that is true means balance team is doing their job.
You could, it might be hard, but you still can do it if you dedicate your time and effort to it.
No nobody is doing it. There are really good moira, bastion, and reaper mains out there. And they are getting low 4.3k in current season.
That’s kinda the point.
Without bans, that’s very difficult.
With bans, that’s relatively simple.
But the game, as I say above, is fine. You can acheive almost anything in ranked that you want.
Wanna two trick bastion and symmetra? You can get 4.4k+ if you are skilled enough.
Wanna play only soldier 76? You can do that. How does the game need improvements if you can do anything you want?
Now if you are talking about whether the game is fun, or if queue times are reasonable, or if the game is well designed, that is seperate from balance. Balance isn’t the end all be all for fixing the game.
You can have an incredibly broken character/role, and have it be incredibly boring. That is a design faliure not a balance faliure.
You ever seen the tank usage variety below about Diamond?
It sucks.
And it’s sucked for maybe 5 years.
The meta below diamond should be:
Rein zarya mercy ana soldier76 McCree. It shouldn’t be diverse, because plats are people who have played the game for like 200 hours or put in zero mental effort. So the meta for lazy people should be lazy heroes.
Tbh, I’d rather make the vast majority of the playerbase happy, while rotating hero usage at high level using an additional mechanism.
Rather than just act like “People outside of high ELO don’t deserve to have fun”
Which to be comes off as petty, and economically suicidal.
The way to fix fun is not with balance. The game should be balanced in the sense above, so that for people who expend time and energy, the game feels worthwhile.
The way to fix fun is with design. As I mentioned above, tank is poorly designed and needs rework.
Thats why they are reworking the role. They are making it into a brawler/beefy dps role which is solo rather than duo.
If you are interested in game design, you should study it and learn to code (ideally at university). You won’t learn game design at uni though, I recommend the GDC youtube channel and books.
There are multiple axis to games, and balance isn’t the end all be all for fixing your games.
Dunno how you can maintain the cognitive dissonance in you head that hero usage variety has nothing to do with fun.
I have no cognitive dissonance, because I am not contradicting myself.
Because you haven’t addressed my points, I see no need to repeat myself either.