The armor nerf drastically hurts Orisa

Shes the last tank who needed a nerf like this.

Today is a sad day for tank mains


Orisa and possibly Hammond need compensatory buffs for this. I am suggesting 50 more hp.


Armor is overpowered. Orisa is not. Perhaps we will see a tweak to armored tanks in other departments now that armor’s effectiveness has been reduced.

You’re… optimistic. Don’t be. It’s going to make you feel bad.

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Folks, I’m pressin’ F so hard right now…

“Here lies Orisa. Victim of a short minded Nerf Spree.”


Hog, who synergizes with Orisa is indirectly buffed so there ya go.

This really sucks for her. Was kind of hoping the armor that Brig provided was only nerfed, not everyone who had armor. But anyway, this is a indirect buff to Symm… so I am kind of happy!

She also does more damage vs armor now.

As was Reaper, who is one of the more reliable Hog counters in the game and is now hurt less by armor

She ain’t a factor in OWL, so Blizz couldn’t care less about her.

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The better player still wins in Hog vs Reaper. Nerfing armor hurts the best heroes the most and hurts a few weaker picks less drastically. Overall worth it.

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150hr orisa main here Completely agree. The hog changes a while back stopped her counterplaying him you use to be able to absorb the impact but fortify actually rips you.
now this armor change is even worse for her specially when coupled with the fact you can have up to a 5sec reload when you have to stop a reload to deploy cover for your team I was starting to get excited Orisa was moving up and then they go and nerf armor like this.

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Eh. Hog basically depends on Hook + Headshot to win that fight. If he doesn’t score that, Reaper wins the greater majority of times.

Also, nerfing armor hurts several bad heroes quite intensely. Orisa and Torbjorn in particular will likely suffer from it, and heroes like Bastion, Hammond, and Winston (none of whom needed nerfs) are all nerfed as a consequence (and of them, only Bastion receives any kind of buff from reduced damage absorption to his Turret form)

You are looking at this like the glass is half empty. I prefer to see this as a great day for dps mains XD

It also hurts Bastion, Brig, Orisa ,Hammond and TORB

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This is a really bad update for a lot of heros…
Oh my goodness

Orisa, Torb, Hammond, and Bastion deserved buffs in general but certainly do now.

I think the problem was armor was OP despite DPS being higher than ever. One problem has been solved but now damage needs looked at.

Just making another tank main a dps main

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100% this is a huge concern of mine. She only has 400 hp and the hitbox of a train with the crit box of a moon. I am really scared for her right now. I really feel like this is way too much for her. She had little survivability in the first place. If this change goes through she needs 100 more hp.