The Anger Around the PTR Mercy Buffs Explained

Your seriously reaching if you need that much of a clarification.

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even w/o rework that would of died seeign as they changed the SR system so it wouldnt be able to be abused like that in todays system.

Balancing and slightly changing Mass rez (#1 goal would be god mode…that remvoed all counterplay and shouldnt of ever been added.) and making a ult charge decay would instantly stop hide and seek from ever working and she’d be forced to help in fight if she wanted to use rez.

They didnt even TRY to balance it.

Compare 1.0’s “un-fun”
to 2.0’s “un-fun”.

2.0 has caused more unfair/unfun times for those against her than 1.0 ever did.

the hate MErcy mains get in 1.0 was nothign compared to backlash we suffered after 2.0

you know…a rework we mains said WAS going to be OP before it was made live…but did devs listen? no.
nobody would listen to those who use her solely and understand how bad of a rework it was going to be…and now we are #1 msot hated players in the game even after nerf after nerf after nerf to EVERY part of her kit.


Hm…if I recall they gave buffs to all of the other supports. An example the Dev team gave was Lucio being able to negate Junkrat’s ultimate. I also found out today that it can cancel D.Va’s ultimate as well with the newest changes to his kit. Can’t forget how Ana now heals her target by using Nano Boost. I’ve always used Ana since I found her kit so interesting to me and this was an appreciated buff but she still doesn’t have any mobility with sleep dart being her only solid defense if she can land it (which is easier once you get used to the speed of it). The only way to play Moira wrong is to ignore healing with her because she should always have the most healing in a match due to her AOE/Group Heals. Zenyatta has also always been strong since he had discord and can negate Genji and Soldier’s ultimates. Brig (while I consider her more of an off tank when you pick two other healers) is also still viable and strong.

Mercy on the other hand, can no longer keep up with any damage when she is supposed to be the pick for raw healing, hence the infinite heals. Her ultimate suffers from the change and just makes the player feel she can’t even keep anyone alive.


With the current live version of Mercy, it actually encourages the whole “Hide and Rez” argument. Funny.


The healing nerf to 50 hp/s from 60 hp/s was a ~17% nerf to her healing (16.6 repeating in actuality). So the 15% buff to Valkyrie’s ult charge doesn’t actually negate the ult charge lost if Mercy were only healing. If the blaster or damage boost were used, it’d likely cancel out, but with 50 hp/s, Mercy can’t spend much time using either of those tools.


Actually, I don’t think you’ve kept up with a majority of Mercy players.

Here’s a link to a poll that I and many others participated in and it’s worth the read if you’re going to say that

Please do research before you state the stereotypical rumors about Mercy players.


This is the best time to express dissatisfaction as well, before those buffs hit live. +1 for reevaluating this ~buff.

Quoting this because its so true, and because no one dogging on Mercys associated with the “revert” stigma wants to touch this fact. Probably because its completely indefensible and unjustifiable.


This is exactly why this change is not a buff. It’s a bugfix.


If mercy isn’t fun now, she was never fun. Even with her old ult, that ability constitutes 1% of active gameplay. The “unfun” aspect of her is the fact that she holds down a button and does nothing else.
That is the perceived reason for why she is unfun to play.
I personally enjoy playing mercy, but that’s because I min max every element of her I possibly can when playing her. That being said, I prefer Ana because her primary heal feels like it impacts my targets, there is a feedback when healing which isn’t there for mercy.
Mercy cannot become a more fun hero unless every aspect of her kit is fundamentally changed so that she becomes less of a hold and click adventure game and is turned into a more interactive hero. If people don’t like how she is now, or how she was with resurrect, she will never be liked unless she is literally removed from the game and reinvented from the ground up.


This post is very dramatic + emotional. Just please get to the point.

Its precisely the fact they have no interest in making things more fun while keeping balance but are more interested in peddling OWL and numerical balance that is hurting the content output and the fun for a large number of people outside of OWL context. Its why I’ve elected to stop supporting them and stop playing the game other than occasionally checking to see if its still the same downward trending dumpster fire with the foolish hopes they turn it around.

Even die hard infinitely forgiving Blizzard fanboi Stylosa has said he just doesn’t enjoy playing the game as much as he did before and will often times quit playing far earlier than in the past (for different reasons, but still important none the less). Fun absolutely matters, and if the developers can’t and wont prioritize it, players will stop supporting the game. Thats a big problem for the devs and it’d be foolish to think otherwise.


Although the amount of feedback is very good from the forum users, you have to consider that the forum userbase makes up a very small percentage of the overall playerbase size outside of the forums aka the majority. Just because the devs see a post that gets a bunch of likes and makes the top post doesn’t mean that it should validate those suggested changes. Again, not discouraging giving feedback on forums, just saying to keep in mind about the larger playerbase.

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Please and thank you! We don’t know if going back to Mass Rez is the answer, but I’ll take another full rework over this garbage any day!

I dunno about this! I love the sound her beam makes when it heals people, especially with the beautiful Pink skin equipped! Though I may just be conditioned to love it…

Please help me.

I was genuinely sighing a ton when reading the OP, all that to say you don’t think Mercy is fun, which is completely SUBJECTIVE.

Honestly at this point and since this discussion has been going on for months without a single effort done by some mercy players to face reality, I’d be happy if mercy topics were forbidden altogether.


Well, Mercy got nerfed/reworked because certain streamers said she’s not fun to fight against, there you go, completely SUBJECTIVE.


You and I both know it’s not the truth. I could give you a long text to prove you how mass rez was a problem and the rework was needed like I already did countless times but it would be pointless.

You’re just proving my point actually and it makes you look silly.

Can you back up the claim no one complaining about her tried to enjoy Mercy as she is now? Becsuse I think thats just a subjective opinionated dismissal of peoples opinions and their enjoyment of the game. Much like the claims that no one can possibly enjoy the current iteration of Mercy is an equally subjectively opinionated dismissal of peoples opinions and their enjoyment of the game.

Although, its worth noting the stance against Valk is now backed up with the numbers from the recent survey (limited in surveyed individuals and scope as it may be), where as there is no supporting data to the contrary.


Please do. I’d like to read this because as far as I’m aware if you can actually prove it, then it would potentially be the first time anyone has actually made a case with proof for why there was no alternative to removing Mass Rez.

I’m legitimately curious now; don’t tease about stuff like that then not deliver.


The reasoning Jeff gave in the original change was almost entirely subjectively based. You know, stuff like that it was disheartening to play against. The only sense in which Mass Rez was a problem was because people didn’t like playing against it (aside the SR exploit, which was fixed), and to a lesser extent playing with it.

There was not, to my knowledge, any objective, data-driven reason for the rework. It was premised first and foremost on the idea of “fun”


Have you played current Mercy in competitive at all?