Thanks. I hate it

I mostly play quick play and haven’t played comp in about 18 months.

It’s one thing to force me to pick from only one role. It’s another to not even let me choose which role that is.

I was worried that forced role lock would suck all remaining fun out of this game for me. I haven’t got high hopes of being proven wrong from what I’ve seen so far.


They are implementing Role Queue in QP when Beta ends.

Jeez stop complaining.


Something is wrong with QP at the moment. It’s not how they intended it to be.

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I can now confirm this is a bug:


bUT MUH TOo t@nkS aNd HeAleRs aT aLL tiMeS brUh!

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No i will not. QP is dead for me, now i am arcade player


Welcome to the club, we have cookies in arcade :slight_smile:


Agree, i just player 6 match, damn its weak…

but we have event lootboxes :smirk::smirk::smirk:

can I erase the update? and get to the old version?


Its a bug. Quick Play wont have Role Q until Sept 1st

how much complain they need to revert the changes u think?

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game is trash now was fun i thought role Q was gonna be grate new hero is op heros got nerfed not enough dps to kill two sheilds in comp or QP to many 1 shots happening i for one will be uninstalling the game and will not touch it looks like battlefeild 1 for me blizzard always kills a game is y classic wow is coming back cuz they killed the game with to many expan

just like “no limits” which keep rotating in and out

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If Role Que becomes a success in their eyes if not Role Que will cease to exist

Uhm you can choose what role that is. That’s the entire premise of Role Queue. You pick what Role you queue for.

Not when I made this post and QP was bugged.