Thank you for removing the noose

Asian country are far more in reality when US think they can do a fantasy when everyone can be gentle and have no guns.

It looks that way considering third world countries such as the Asian countries, Middle East and Russian are climbing ahead of U.S and other countries that follows U.S woke agendas. It’s like U.S wants to turn into the next China when telling what you should watch and etc.

As of right now Feelings > Logic. Yikes.


Normal people would see the noose as a reference to nooses being used as a form of Wild West justice to execute criminals which also ties in with McCree’s cowboy aesthetic.

I don’t care either way but it’s just a spray and people are overreacting to it’s meaning today because of the recent noose hoaxes.


You professionally offended will want to remove guns next because they are a symbol of violence (which they are) their sole design and purpose is to kill people so do you understand how silly banning everything is.

Blizzard should remove killing and replace it with sleeping.


Coming from the EU. What the hell is racist about this ? I clearly dont get why muricans sees racism in nearly everything… its a freagging game. So shooting “black” heroes and shooting in general isnt racism, but a simple spray that reminds me, as a european, to cowboy wild west time is racism? gawd damn… no wonder why noone can take this country anymore serious…


Bedsheets are also used by racist, if you own bedsheets you are a racist.


They should change all the guns to nerf guns with sticky bullets


Probably wasn’t Blizzards decision but Activisons, as they removed the Okay symbol as well. But let me guess, if you were offend by that as well :roll_eyes:

You are considered a snowflake. It’s a video game. Grow up


It is just a plain spray of pixels, yes, not that big of deal that it’s gone

but don’t pretend that its not rooted in popular old western iconography and aesthetics first and that was the 100% intended purpose

just like bandits being dragged behind a horse or a tombstone or the wanted/jail borders you can spray around other sprays,

or any other number of old western tropes


They should replace with thoses Nerf gun toys and delete the kill ( you know killing Baptiste is not the right thing now ) word for frag.
Hu I just read your post twice but we say the same thing lol.

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It was a reference to the movie that inspired pretty much every aspect of Mcrees character. Without the movie Mcree wouldn’t exist. That’s why it made it into the game. You think it’s just something nasty and it is, in the context of that movie just like how shooting people in the face with shot guns is nasty in the context of the game that everyone here plays.

Fiction is supposed to be fiction. Now people are blurring the line between fiction and reality and it’s not healthy.


Any argument that the Noose spray was a racists thing that needed to be deleted … That was Fake Noose :sunglasses:


Looks like you’re not into the kinky stuff.


What’s funny is that the only people who think it’s racist are American, and even then it’s only a fraction of Americans who play this game

OP, you do realize that execution by hanging has been a thing way way way WAY longer than lynching… Right? When people talk about us Americans being unaware of everyone else’s culture I think this is kinda what they mean. You chose to see something one particular way, and ignored all the ACTUAL context


That is what happens with spoiled brats that get everything served to them and nothing to worry about. Working at some coffee shop having their parents pay for 90% of their rent coz they ain’t making enough money, spending all their time being little keyboard twitter warriors. The stupidity of identifying anything as a hate symbol is mind boggling. Funniest part, it is the same idiots that reprimanded the ISIS moment for destroying historical monuments. Sort of tells you the average intelligence of these people, as they are doing exactly the same, just in a slightly less violent manner.


America really needs to learn it’s not the centre of the god damn universe


I know, right? I’m not even American and I know what it’s referencing better than most Americans seem to. :roll_eyes:


It’s literally the 9th greatest movie ever made on IMDBs list. It’s hardly obscure. :yum:


Any chance you can let me live in like, a closet, basement, under your sink, etc? We ain’t doing so great over here and I’m ready to not be American I think

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