Thank you for fixing the regular AI from getting stuck

I don’t know when it happened, but I’m thankful that it got fixed. Thank you.

I still see them get stuck in a few places, like on attack on Watchpoint: Gibraltar inside the right building with computers, and Paris if they attack from the left (the defense left side on the second point).

Thankfully, they don’t get stuck on the stairs under Oasis: University anymore, but they still run into the cars.

I meant like straight up broken. The pathing is still super buggy, they walk back and forth a lot and get stuck in places like you mentioned. But their pathing would 100% break before and even teleporting them would do nothing, they’d simply stand there for the rest of the game. So I’m just glad that’s fixed.

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Yeah, the bots unfortunately still also get stuck on Junkertown either the final checkpoint.

Funny, since the bots never had these problems when I first played (September 2017), plus their headshotting ability was enabled (I think they disabled it, since the NPCs in the Archives event have the same AI and it made the events challenging, due to more damage).

Yeah I’ve seen them stop in junkertown, but after a little while they continue on their way. Not sure what that’s all about.

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if you need training AI check the advanced AI: Custom Legendary Bots 7.0 patch notes + Doom Bots preview