Thank you dev team

I mean I also main reaper. And I dodged a bullet. One nerf took him out. But I’m just afraid with the other 2 main tanks sledgehammered it wont be as simple to take rein out of the meta.

I disagree. I don’t think rein is too good, I think the other main tanks are too bad. Yeah its obvious rein is better, but it’s so pathetically easy to steamroll orisa or sigma I think of every main tank was like that I’d punch my ticket out of this game.

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The problem is how do we make Orisa better without bringing double shield back?

Let’s be honest. Hero pools (like most of the game’s development past year 1) was a shallow idea, lacking in execution, and devoid of foresight that there’s always going to be a skew between regular players and Pro players.

How did I not see this earlier? LOL wow.

I’m outta the loop.

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I can’t wait for all the Throwers and Smurfs that’ll be coming to sub Masters, to avoid the bans. That’s gonna be fun… :roll_eyes:


They didn’t listen to anyone, they’re reacting to pro players leaving in masses with random changes. lol

If you are below Masters, every tank is viable (so long as you have an MT). That is the fault of the players for choosing Rein over other options.

They listened to both. Hero pools are no longer a thing in Bronze-Diamond, and the pros got what they wanted by having the bans selected through OWL pick rates and not ranked.

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Buff every aspect of them but shields. Rein has huge dps when he is in your face. Orisa can tickle you at best. He also has 2x better shield. What I would do:

  • nerf Rein shield to ~800 hp similar to other tanks
  • nerf Shatter cone area - its like 160 degrees I feel. Should be 80-120 degrees IMO. Ult is way to powerful, similar to Mei
  • decrease YOLO Charge * cooldown to compensate - let him be more brawly and divy. Maybe even increase his left click damage or decrease Firestrike cooldown
  • probably buff Orisa dps tiny bit. Maybe her Fortify could also buff damage by lets say 20% for a few seconds
  • make Sigma shield less clunky

(*) That should be the official name of this skill :laughing: Also add voice line “You only live once” for him to spam while he does this ;D

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That is false. In most metas you are correct, but that is not true with Rein. Even in gold, Rein V Sigma or Rein v Orisa is 100% Rein. He steamrolls both of them, and they don’t have enough anchor power to push past him.

Wait, hero pools are going away??

I believe they made it so hero pools are only based on OWL pickrates. So hero pools are no longer determined by the vast majority but rather the top tier players. Because they were having problems were heroes that have a lot of use in OWL were not getting banned in OWL because the overall usage from all ranks skewed the stats (Mei not getting banned for example). They said for off-season it will only use pickrates from Masters to GM (since only they have hero bans). But who knows how hero pools will change in the future.

Uh that is not even true in GM. Its true this week for instance due to the bans but without bans you could pick ball/hog or ball/DVA or Orisa/Sigma and be just fine.