Thank God they nerfed Lucio

I hear there’s a French sniper with AoE invulnerability coming our way. My money is on him replacing Lucio and the playerbase making the surprised pikachu face when GOATs is still run.


This is true. No matter how much you nerf speedboost, so long as it exists, and there are no alternatives to it, Lucio will be a mustpick for GOATs and related comps.

And he is a mustpick. You can swap out Zarya, you can swap out Dva. You can swap out Brig and you can even swap out Rein and Zen. But you cannot swap out Lucio.


While Lucio and his Speed Boost isn’t WHY Goats exists it is an ESSENTIAL part of Goats.


Look it the ptr section when you press forums at the top left

Which is why I’m sad but ok with him getting nerfed. I’m not ok with people slandering him like he was the mastermind behind all metas and taking away his personal speed.


Lucio is actually faster for himself now, enjoy.

GOATS didn’t exist but 3x3, quad and triple tank all did. Lucio is the only hero in common with every possible variation.


Yes, and that got nerfed. Several times.

It’s getting to the point where it’s ridiculous to blame it entirely on Brig anymore. The others need to start getting pulled back some too, as the synergy between all 6 of them is what makes Goats so strong.


Not necessarily GOATS, just heavy tank comps considering that tanks need mobility to get in range to do damage.

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My bet is that GOATs will still be run, but people will probably replace Zen. Its gonna be Lucio, Brig, and Baptiste. But its still too early to tell…

Same. I get why they nerfed him… although people thinking that Speed Boost is the sole factor why GOATs is a thing lack brain cells… but we cant test out the new Lucio yet… we will see how it goes. I love Lucio, and its like… a faster wall riding Lucio sounds fun, but its basically goes against his whole design. Faster alone while leaving his team behind in the dust when he is all about AoE with his teammates.


Yeah, Lucio is the centrepeice of Deathball (which includes GOATs) but not much else I think. Even in Dive I felt he was non-critical, even before the Moth Meta. I feel like he was only played bc he was the only support of that time that could function in a Dive comp (Moira and Brig weren’t in the game, and Mercy was still in her 1.0 state).

Mercy was always functional with dive, Lucio simply outclassed her.

This is exactly why I said 2 year and half instead of 3 and 8 months as only Mercy’s early broken state managed to kick him out of meta.

Please do not speak about rose tinted glasses while straight dismissing the fact that Lucio is the most used hero along with D.Va.

Literally the last person who should call out others about bias.


Well, yeah, I was referring more to her general underpowered-ness. Not her Dive functionality, specifically.

That’s my thoughts as well. Baptiste seems to bring in more firepower and healing than Zen. Though I feel like Bap and Zen are interchangeable for what the team needs. There is also belief of Bap will enable a Bunker Meta and I could see him working well with a new Dive Meta.

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Also like I would like to point out…

Lucio+Lucio, Lucio+Zen, Lucio+Ana+Zen, Lucio+Ana, Lucio+Zen, Mercy+Zen/Mercy alone, Lucio+Brigitte+Zen

There is your healer metas.

Notice whose name pops up the most.

Speedboost nerf is long overdue. They had to make his kit clunky and barely functional AND overpower Mercy to remove him from being overly dominant and deathball variants alongside that. That is how powerful speedboost in it’s current form is.


Objectively, that “nerf” hardly effected his pickrate at all, especially in the pro scene. He was still the only S-tier hero afterwards.

And that was due to Mercy being far, far too strong, and had nothing to do with Lucio’s relative strength.


I actually forgot about this nerf. God, for a while he was like B-tier till people got use to his new speed (also they buffed his Wallride…wait a minute).

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After a couple jumps yes, but not after a few, and you generally don’t do a ton of jumps in a row, too predictable and takes you far from your team.


It did, and Lucio got nerfed into obscurity for it.

Not entirely her fault, but it is mainly her fault.


I must have imagined moth meta then.

Why do you put a change that moved his radius from 30 m to 10 meters in quotes? Is it not big enough of a nerf to reduce a support hero’s support ability to 1/3 of what it was?

His speed is buffed when hopping off walls, which is a ramp thing, you get a bit more with each jump until you reach terminal velocity and then he stops getting faster. His overall speed got nerfed by 1/3 though so he is gonna feel immediately slower until you reach the terminal velocity with wall jumps, then he will feel a little faster.

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