Test your Teamwork in Hero Mastery Gauntlet



Where are the PVE story missions? Stop focusing on microtransactions and limited time things that you will remove like this.


Massive. Waste. Of. Time. And. Energy.

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What about the other heros? We not doing that anymore?

The only limited time thing about hero mastery gauntlet are the challenge rewards like titles and XP. The mode is permanent like hero mastery for each hero.

I enjoyed the Underworld mission with Iggy in the comms more than hero mastery gauntlet. Fighting PvE units vs fighting training bots. PvE units better.

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Hey how about giving us the PVE content you LIED ABOUT FOR 4 YEARS?

While weā€™re at it, HOW ABOUT ADDING FULL PROGRESSION TO THIS MODE? Some people donā€™t wanna sweat all their life. Some people just wanna chill and you couldnā€™t even let people unlock heroes or do all their weeklies and dailies here. Iā€™m gonna just keep playing games that care about my time and money till you can get that through your thick skulls

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Imagine if we got this instead. Even if thereā€™s no skill trees, items etc. this would have been so much better. All maps used, different times of day and weathers, objectives where you either stay together for safety or split up for speedy progress, different set of missions on a world map refreshing weekly etcā€¦:face_exhaling::pensive:

Exactly. They CLEARLY have the resources and materials lying RIGHT there and yet they refuse to use ANY of it. They seriously couldnā€™t just temporarily use the Talon forces from OW1 Archives until they had materials to give them a visual update and new enemies as well? Hell even WORKSHOP games actually had decent PVE modes where youā€™re in all the different maps

At Round 3800 of Gauntlet! Go Roly or Go Home!

also 330 completions Underworld, 220 completions Cosmic crysis & 700 hours of pve story mision 3
lvl 416 Torbjorn here, hello!

:frowning: itā€™s so so so boring 10 rounds that last forever and are incredibly easy.