Terrible Teammates in Many Games?

Why does it seem like me along with the people I am queuing with consistently play very well, but seemingly every other teammate that I get matched with is at a much lower skill level? I am hard stuck in silver, solely due to the fact that whatever role me or my competitive friends don’t pick, the players lack in doing their job or and working with the team. I am a tank and the healers I am matched with almost never heal and are off in lala land doing whatever they want without even attempting to support the team. I have played this game for years and have hundreds of hours across multiple platforms, yet I cannot climb back to where I was on other platforms because of lower skilled teammates. Please work to fix the matchmaking for competitive, it’s absolutely atrocious and makes me want to uninstall.

i’m sure those people on your team are thinking the exact same thing


Is this bait?? Lol

There’s going to be people who tell you just focus on yourself and you can carry the potatoes up the hill.

But I believe there is a tale of two gamers. The try hards who work on themselves, seek vod reviews. Look at streamers and coaches and aim train. Then there’s the casual gamer.

Because the casual gamer doesn’t play as much as you do, the system is uncertain of their skill. To make them certain of the rank according to the system they have to pair them with certain players. The more you play, the more certain the game thinks it knows you.

So the more you play, the more certain. The longer you play, the more likely you get uncertain individuals.

To be fair this is happening on the other team too. BUT at different roles. And that’s why some games feel unwinnable. Cause it puts the uncertain casual gamers at the tank position. While the other team has the certain individuals at tank but maybe their dps is uncertain.

Now if you have good tanks, those uncertain dps are going to get boosted because of the win and pbsr. The tanks performance will help the dps performance. This why I advocate for relativistic pbsr. Cause maybe when you had good tanks, you performed ever better than they did.

Also why I advocate for role avg mmr and not team avg mmr. All agree both sides that it’s a flaw. All agree both sides about the uncertainty factor. But one side feels the game is good enough.

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I want to start off by saying I am not trying yo bring you down or say you deserve to be in silver because i really don’t know without hard proof. I am extremely sceptical though because I’ve been reading forums for a long while now and I think I’ve seen one case of a player being held back by bad teammates. Others are always on the level of others in their rank. I’d like to see some replay codes.

What platforms were you playing on and what are you on now? If you have played on console and are now pc, that isn’t unusual in anyway. For example I played on ps and I estimate ps diamond is around pc gold.

Again I’m very sceptical of this. Most of the time people say this, it’s usually just not playing in supports’ LOS or not peeling for them. This often causes people to get the feeling they aren’t being supported. Question is are you supporting them? Again I’d need replay codes to be sure of this.

are you making a reference to PC vs console? because if you started on console then made the switch to the master race (PC) you will (and ill say this with 100% certainty) not reach the same rank on pc as console.

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