Terrible Placement

so I hopped off of Xbox for awhile and didn’t play overwatch or anything else really. I really enjoy overwatch and so I hopped on this season to play. Last season that I played I was ranked 3927 season high. I just got placed 2376, which is absolutely absurd. I’ve been winning games and ranking up around 25 per game. I don’t really understand where this placement came from and I really don’t think it’s fair to be placed that low considering I’m a top quality player. According to websites that rank my play, my heroes have been ranked as grandmaster level and it’s absurd that I have teammates that are in platinum and gold. Please fix this.

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If you leave for an extended period of time, your hidden matchmaking rating becomes extremely obsolete as the game is not at all convinced that you can play at the same level of skill as you did before. So this is very likely a fair placement rating.

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Completely understand that not playing for a long time would do this, but dropping my ranking 1500 is definitely not a fair placement at all. If I was performing at a lower level then yes I would agree, but I got gold medals in all of my placements and I’ve been getting gold medals in all of my games that I’m playing through the season. My win rate is very solid and my elims/ minute is sick. They took out the win streak multiplier so it’s very hard to level up quickly. I’ve already improved my rank by 300 in a day which should show you that my placement and the current rank I’m at is completely unfair. I have to put in a ton of time to get back to diamond and master.

Be advised that medals only compare your stats to that of the rest of your team in each match. Performance based ratings are your stats compared to other players in other matches that played the same heroes you did in their matches.

This really sounds like you are on track to regaining your true skill level. Yes it will take time and it may not feel too good to start lower than what you may remember, but that is the system working to make sure the top ranks of competitive play remain at the highest level of competition (remember Diamond and higher account for less than 10% of the entire player population). This post really takes time to explain all of the nuances of skill rating adjustments and is worth the read if you have more questions:

Yes I’m aware of all of this and I respect the placement system. BUT the fact that I’m averaging 4.23 elims per life is just dumb. A 2376 placement is CRAZY. I would’ve been fine with 2800, but gold? Come on

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