Hiya folks,
We have temporarily disabled Numbani in the Quick Play, Experimental, and Competitive game modes while we investigate an issue. We will provide an update here once we have an ETA on re-enabling the map.
edit 12:30 PM PST: also disabled in Experimental Mode
Just wondering is one of the reasons why the map is disabled due to an exploit with Sombra where you can pretty much contest the first objective where you can’t be killed except for Hanzo’s Dragonstrike? I remember seeing a Reddit post on this a couple of days regarding that.
There (temporarily) goes a Winston map.
What a shame.
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Let sombra exploit! Thats her job!
On computers and such yeah… but not Numbani Point A which apparently Jeff Kaplan is from there according to dinoflask so he won’t be too happy about that.
I experienced this over the weekend and my stack reported the guy:
https: //clips. twitch .tv/BlatantLongHamVoHiYo-_V1C4p49aa_VU059
Just remove the spaces, click the clip, and it’ll take you straight to that point in the archive.
Hey guys as a quick reminder if you have evidence of users abusing any exploits, its better to send it in an email to hacks@blizzard.com.
Might want to disable it in Arcade as well until you fix the issue, just got Numbani in QPC. Luckily nobody abused the glitch this time, but since it’s disabled everywhere else I don’t see any reason to have it in arcade either.
It was re-enabled to my knowledge after fixing the bug. I will check though.
In that case we might be talking about a different issue. It is still very much possible to get inside the walls around point A, I checked it myself in a custom game and have seen other people do it as well.
Not a 100% if they can still contest the point from there (and I’m not about to try it in a real match), but being able to shoot and use abilities from there isn’t exactly by the book and gives a notable advantage.
Edit: Okay seems to be fixed now, probably someone just jumped the gun with enabling the map, since the event patch got delayed by couple days.