Teammates and opponents for accounts in same SR

Why is it that there is such a huge difference in game quality between accounts at the same SR? One account on the way down will have a much poorer game quality than the games which are SR stagnant or on the way up. Things like this shouldn’t happen…just saying.

Possibly it’s confirmation bias.

Blizzard has said that they use MMR to try to find the best, most accurate game for you they can.

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SR/MMR is not based on someone skill on a hero.
SR /MMR is at the moment based on how much you win and loose, with use of all the heroes. And since this is a team based game you have max only like 30% influence on this when you are really good. So your SR can be one day X and the next day 1000 SR higher or lower. So with a very high random luck based factor.
If you play enough your SR will be about right for you(min or max a 1000SR), but most players in lower ranks dont play not enough games, so lots of them have a rank not belonging to their skill.(or at least for some heroes they play)

So SR is a very fluctuated number, that shifts a lot. And is wrong for some players (especially in the lower ranks) since they dont play enough. And the skill level for each hero of one account can also be very big.
So it is very hard for the matchmaker to create balance fights.

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