Team reliance and this meaningless 'self healing' update

and i dont have enough time to read your rambling mess, actual intelligent people know how to get the point across without dumping a word bomb on everyone

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Thank you for contributing absolutely nothing of value to the topic.

Childish off topic personal attacks like the two above which clearly violate community guidelines will be reported.

First, I’m not reading all of that.

Second, you’ll barely notice the self-healing passive. The 20% HP restored just mildly helps out the support. You’re not going to run into a Pharmercy who can’t be hit, lol. Calm down and have some fun.

So… that’s literally what OP says…? I know you admitted you didn’t read the post, I’m just saying OP is in agreement that the passive isn’t going to have the impact that everyone is thinking it will.


Honestly don’t know what OP was trying to get across. Just felt like unnecessary rambling.

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As someone that did read your post I’m in agreement with you.
I also think a lot of this stems from no TRUE tutorial on how you’re meant to play the game as they are afraid of “hurting” the fun of the game.

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i dont think the self healing needs to happen to be honest i rarely agree with content creators like samito but this is one time i do have to agree i think they literally have lost it especially with the hacked quickplay

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a little bit rambly, very impassioned though.

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Thank you for reading it and everyone else who did and also sharing your thoughts and additional feedback on these issues.

On the “bright” side, supports will have more windows to pull out their guns, “supporting” your team downing targets that are about to die and are fleeing, before the self heal starts.

TBF we haven’t actually seen how this is gonna turn out in OW. I don’t mind testing them out tho.

I don’t think this is the case. To climb it quickly it is, but you don’t have to climb quickly.

Yes, people not playing as well as you think they should is frustrating, but they are more or less at the same rank you are. Complaining at randoms won’t achieve anything, your Kobe example only works because he is playing with the same team each time.

Complaining at randoms will get you reports, and you shouldn’t be shocked that this is the case. They typically are not playing to have people who are making as many mistakes as they are complain at them.

Same rank as you. Let that bad boy roll around in your head a little… You can get better team mates, by playing better, and going up ranks.

I don’t think it will do much, but QOL changes are still QOL.

my reply was not at all meant to be a personal attack, i have nothing to gain from beefing with you

i wasnt even going to make a reply until you dropped the “being dumb is cool” line

are shorter posts less valuable? are the authors of those posts dumb because they didnt write ten paragraphs?

like i said, actual intelligent people (of which there are many in this community who i respect) are able to condense their thoughts into just a few sentences to effectively inform/influence the reader

your post is absurdly long and most people arent going to bother reading it

Remember when someone wrote an actual book on matchmaking rigging?

I know of know official evidence to suggest ranks are at all valid, meaningful, or that the MM even ships people of the same rank in the same lobby.

Please support your claim.

Like most people here I have played in different ranks, and have seen the difference.

You can if you like view streams of people playing in higher ranks, and see their ability to play, and the ones they are playing with and against, and compare it to your own.

That should give you all the proof you need, if you are willing to look.

We’ll good thing that tldr doesn’t mean that. Brevity is far more efficient than a long winded wall of text.

Some people don’t have 20+ minutes to read a single point.

Yes, people not playing as well as you think they should is frustrating, but they are more or less at the same rank you are. Complaining at randoms won’t achieve anything, your Kobe example only works because he is playing with the same team each time.

Same rank as you. Let that bad boy roll around in your head a little… You can get better team mates, by playing better, and going up ranks.

I knew there would be at least one miserable, insecure troll like yourself that would try this closed-minded “they are same rank as you are” nonsense just to try and talk trash (which you will be reported for, yes I will grant your wish don’t worry).

Just to set the record straight for trolls like you, my personal rank is Masters 2 and this topic is based on my observations as I was climbing through lower ranks (which you likely are judging by your immaturity and how thirsty you are to talk trash and say this irrelevant, closed-minded low IQ “same rank as you are” nonsense). That’s how I know about things like the necessity for a sustainable healing support like Mercy to help a cassidy deal with a pharmacy and Kiriko needing to save cleanse for antis genius. But you don’t consider that because you are only here to talk trash and you’re a troll.

This isn’t about me and what I’m currently going through, I clearly stated this is what players are dealing with in lower ranks, I didn’t say me or what I’m going through and the point of this topic isn’t to be a mere “I can’t rank up” thread, like you’re trying to make it out to be because you’re a troll.

Weak bait troll, last response you will get from me, any further posts from you will be ignored.

But thank you to everyone else who are actually mature adults who actually contribute meaningful input to this discussion.

So you’re admitting to 1. inconsistency in ranks (played in more than one rank = bad MM) + 2. anecdotal evidence (trustmebro ™ there is a difference).

Still not quantified still not legit still not proved valid.

lmao u dont even kno what proof is

thank you for the free win.
we can now dismiss every single thing u say

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I mean, they ARE the same rank as you.

Right, so, lower rank players play like that? Yes, lower rank people play worse. The ranking system works, it sorts people by their ability to play…

I am not making it out like that. Where did I do that?

In that higher ranks people play better? That isn’t it being inconsistent, that is it working.

People play differently in different ranks, because they have different amounts of skill.

By giving you where the evidence is, and saying you can look at it yourself?

i dont know whether to be terrified or impressed :skull: