Tanks & Support need to l2p to swap

Throwing literally means doing it intentionally.

Reporting people for unintentional behavior is abusing the system.

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Blizzard says otherwise.

For a player to be reported for Gameplay Sabotage, they must intentionally be trying to disrupt and harass their teammates or actively trying to lose.

When someone doesn’t play a game [properly] purposely. It is mostly used in games such as [Overwatch] Or [Rainbow Six Siege].

Picking a wrong hero can be definded as playing not properly.

It’s not “gameplay sabotage” according to Blizzard’s standards. It’s ridiculous that the term “throw” is used to refer to an unintentional act. It makes the term meaningless used that way.

It’s crazy people still report for picking the wrong hero, as Blizzard is quite explicit about that not being reportable.

DVA is still the best counter for pharah, since dva can almost always be run in each setup or map.
When they have a pharmercy a widow is also good.
But do you want to have one of your dps swap to widow on a KOH map where a sniper is bad?

To counter something is not usually the task of only one role (maybe reaper is the only exception)

Blizzard makes the rules on what is and is not the proper way to play OW. Not you. Blizzard said many times that hero choice is not an indication of someone playing the game improperly.

So no, you are wrong and you are false reporting.