Tanks should receive less critical damage

There are some tanks that I feel like don’t need to receive less critical damage because they have other forms of damage mitigation. Heroes like Wrecking Ball, Sigma, Orisa for example, all have ways (or more than one) of not taking critical damage. I don’t think they should be made beefier unless they take an HP reduction…which wouldn’t sit well because then other heroes like Bastion or Soldier would apply their DPS passive on them and they would just melt with sustain damage.

Other heroes, like Hog or Doomfist, I could understand them applying that to. Am I crazy or can you sometimes still crit Doomfist through Power Block? That feels off to me. Either that, or they can, like…fix that ability lol

Youre not crazy, you can crit him through power block.

Pro tip: This is actually beneficial to doomfist in many situations if used properly.

When using power block I intentionally aim/look down, making my head hit box easier to hit. This helps you take more damage, making block easier to charge.

Caution though, blocks hit box is actually pretty small and doenst go high over doomfist. If you aim too far down the damage will no longer go through blocks hit box, and will instead go directly into his unblocked crit zone, so youll take full damage.

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Future Sideways here: I am looking forward to these changes.

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I was just recently practicing headshoting doomfist as widow when he punches or slams.

I don’t like tanks becoming uninteractive with other roles.

In ow1 all heroes were able.to interact.

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Thats an interesting way to look at tanks being tankier. Youll still be interacting with them

Nah I’m running away and you won’t find me :joy:

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If anything they should take less body shot damage rewarding the headshots. But lets be real 6v6 and removing passives is the smartest healthiest option

You and I often disagree on these forums, but you were 100% correct with this one.

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Actually man outside of the state of doomfist I regularly agree with you.

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