Tanks feel too fragile

I’m sure you got a simple analogy, don’t play the fool, it’s bad faith.

You don’t care about tank TTK, fine, your have made the most limited role even more limited and even my support queue times abhorrent. Enjoy.

I care not to waste my time with sea-lioning any further.


So you tell me that I shouldn’t play the fool because it’s bad faith… yet you claim “You don’t care about tank TTK” when I haven’t said anything like that… ok

Me saying that I don’t feel like Tanks are too fragile doesn’t mean I don’t care about Tank TTK, it means I think Tank TTK is at a good spot. Tanks should not be so absurdly durable that they laugh at anything besides 6 people shooting at them

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If you’re getting instagibbed as a tank, you’re out of position and probably don’t have good awareness of how many people are focused on shooting at you in that moment. Tanks can’t withstand being the focus of the entire enemy team, nor should they be able to.


I don’t know why we’ve slowly carried on nerfing tanks over time after they were already nerfed because of GOATS. Main tanks have suffered the most. Should have just reworked Sigma instead of going down this download slope (after he came out) of nerf after nerf after nerf…and you know, drove most of the tank players away :sweat_smile:


“If you don’t think the same as me, you’re wrong!” Hypocrisy.

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yup this is why road/ball are now so ubiquitous

While burst healing is as strong as it is, tanks can’t become any tankier or it will be impossible to kill them. They used to feel strong back when the game released, then Bap, Moira, Ana all released and could output crazy burst healing. This increased tank uptime an insane amount which then meant burst damage increased to try and counter the crazy amount of burst damage. Not to mention metas like double shield so damage got further buffed to be able to actually break barriers and now where are where we are.

Tanks can stay up massive amounts of time because burst healing is just way too high, so they balanced them by making it so you can melt them down with select heroes to try and counter the burst healing. But this just created a really unhealthy state where now it’s feels impossible to kill tanks that aren’t anti’d because they walk around a corner at 1hp and pop out half a second later max HP, or the healers don’t focus heal and they evaporate.

It’s one of the big reasons tanking feels so bad right now, but just straight nerfing DPS will not solve the issue without nerfs to healing too. Otherwise nothing will die.

This being said, Mccree cannot insta kill you, even if he flash+fth, you aren’t going to immediately die, he’d need to flash, fth, roll, fth which if a Cree pulls this off on you and none of your supports don’t heal you or you don’t use one of your many survive abilities on tanks to prevent the second fth that’s on your.

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For all intents and purposes, torb’s right click really was just… bad. For the price of 3 rivets with greater accuracy and 210/420 damage you could do a POTENTIAL 125 or 250 if you meatshot the head perfectly. He needed the change to make the shotgun at least viable since now it’s 140/280 vs 125/250 even though his shotgun is still slower to fire so it’s still kinda trash for the most part.

That aside though the mccree and hanzo buff were nonsensical since mccree was fine before and hanzo has been needing the nerf bat for ages. Guess it doesn’t matter though since we still have soldier and echo as they are for tanks too. It’d be nice if damage for DPS was lowered across the board with problematic burst healing likewise toned down


Main tank D.va? She was still only used as a main tank for dive compositions as far as I know when I was playing competitive back then; if someone played it like a shield main tank, they would’ve been flamed to get off.

Nerfing shields like they did was a HUGE mistake. They either need to nerf burst damage or increase tank sustain.

Bobby koticks mind seems too fragile also.

Or at the very least, give Tanks a way to safely engage (close distances) the enemy.

With how mobile this game is, why are the Tanks slower than the rest? They already require getting dangerously close to enemies in order to be beneficial, and said enemies have ways of disengaging quite easily. This will get worse if/when that Damage role passive goes through.

I would be fine with this.

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As much as we dislike him, the dude is gonna run free without paying a single consecuence of his horrible acts. In fact, he most probably will get payed huge money numbers before leaving the company.

You stopped maining Mercy and became a Tank main?

Until tanks can be able to stand on their own two feet without healers this will persist. Unforunately Ana has swung support healing to insane levels and thus they nerfed tanking so things could die again. Ana and other DLC supports need their healing nerfed and tanks need their tankiness back so tanks can be tanks again.


Why would tanks ever be without healers?

Can’t buff tanks or damage people get mad, can’t nerf healing or support people get mad less people play tank so its the least damaging thing to let flounder

Tanks are weak and made of tissue but you cannot have them be strong or its too strong and then the game slows down (Which I would prefer) but hey its all good

Because tanks are balanced AROUND healers, meaning they have weak bodies, but they survive long enough to be healed, so what happens is instead of being strong on their own, they become akin to a co dependent relationship, the tank just can’t exist without a the healer, and healers exist to heal instead of support. What would be more beneficial is if tanks had more upfront tankiness, and didn’t need life support (ana) in order to function.


Launch mccree with 70x6 fan damage.
