Tanks are the reason Overwatch failed

Crazy how all the data we have says that those other reasons bad a huge impact before the content drought.

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Because those other games are not strategical shooters. Literally a while different sub genre.

What’s really gonna hurt Overwatch moving forward is that it’s always gonna be a niche genre but the Blizzard name and rep got a ton of people to get their hands on it even though a ton of those people were never really gonna like it long term. It will never ever see the highs of its launch because it’s just not actually the type of game that will have mass appeal over the long term and now that Blizzard reputation is in the gutter there’s no real hook to get the normies in anymore

why are you trying to 1v1 a tank… use your tanks to create and advantage and isolate…

If you look at it historically, OW’s biggest problems came from not wanting to properly balance tracer, and waiting too long to try to balance widow.

That is dumb, trying to connect these two unrelatable factors. Tanks are op and that is a fact, but being that good doesn’t meat fun to play as.

Ngl, tank requires the most gamesense.
Gamesense is not super hard to learn just most players are foundation level on tanks

Actually it was the community fault. Their lack to adapt and complain ultimately lead to thr fall of Overwatch.

lol on what world you live?

maybe 1 year of only goats was because the higher ranks dont want to play other heros than goats xd MAYBE THEY LOVE TO PLAY DOUBLE SHIELD!

sorry but you have to work on you logic.

It actually wasn’t the existence of tanks that ruined OW, it was heroes with too high power levels. Especially barrier bots and post launch supports because they cranked up team sustain. Reinhardt didn’t need a 2000 barrier HP. Orisa and Sigma didn’t need barriers in their kit or to be able to shoot with their barrier up OR a second defensive ability on top of that. Tanks were always fat dps meant to secure elims on top of their other responsibilities like controlling space and mitigating team damage. They were DPS+. Tanks were also countered quite easily until those high-sustain heroes were added to the game and threw off balance.

More shields and healing and CC led to damagecreep as well. So contesting an objective or highground by yourself basically became a death sentence and ensured that teamplay will always beat skill in this game every time. And of course OW’s non-existent matchmaker makes this teamplay aspect an even worse experience. If devs were to revert the game back to May 2016 and retune the handful of problematic heroes and abilities of that time you would find yourself having a lot more agency compared to right now which is just shorter fights with lots of burst damage and heal spamming.

You nailed the problem in essence, and that makes it a very frustrating game to play with randoms. It’s still my favorite game overall because everything outside this fundamentally bad structure is fun but yea it does hold it back somewhat.

A game where you can usually predict whether you’re going to win or lose before the match even starts based on your team’s picks is not really that healthy…


1 side will always have an advantage, games are rarely fully equal. If they are losing repeatedly to the other tank its either a skill gap or the team is not doing their part to help the tank enough.

You made some good points Poncho!
You’re not a real tank…
As a main tank the moment you die you feel like you’ve let your team down
and sadly you’re always dying by 2-3 and even 4 ppl getting killing blows on you
you get wrecked man, So yeah tanks need to be Tanks it’s what makes this game Overwatch fun* Buff tanks more Shields Up and HAMMER DOWN Baby!!!

And supports are the reason why OW2 is going to fail.

Can’t wait for OW3 to finally butcher DPS.