No they’re off tanks. I should have specified main tank. But we were talking Reinhardt.
Too late for main tanks not be more dps like, they released Sigma a DPS main tank and messed up with the main tank balance.
I thought he falls under off tank at this point. He has a barrier but when used it was only with Orisa who played that role of main tank.
I want to play Winstom but him being viable in only like 2-3 points (not maps!!), and map pools being a thing, makes me want to just slam my head into a wall. Being told to play Rein over and over isn’t fun, same as like being told to play Orisa before.
That’s just the fate for tanks at this point. Hammond is the first attempt at having a non shield main tank. We need things like Hammond. We’ll get there.
Now I’m curious, do you think Rein is fine (or need few changes) and it’s Orisa and Sigma that needs to be buffed then?
What changes do you think Sigma and Orisa should get then, without bringing double barrier back?
Rein isn’t fine. But I don’t think he should lose barrier health. Nerf passive. But I’d rather not see him touched. I’d rather see nerfs to Mei. Changes to reaper. And buffs for soldier, sombra, pharah/mercy, baptiste. I’d also like to see a bastion rework.
I think double barrier should be aloud if sigma is the off tank for it.
I don’t think tanks needs changes right now. DPS needs to be toned down. All the buffs that was made during GOATS meta should be reverted because powercreep is what forces the meta into slow, brawly and lazy playstyles. No one would want to play Winston Genji Tracer and stuff where you can just slowly spam damage and cc onto your enemies frontlines and bulldoze them with relatively minimal effort.
At the end of the day, people choose the easiest way, aka path of least resistance. Mei being so incredibly dominant is just a testament to how rewarding lazy playstyles rewards compared to other faster ones.
Also, the introduction of Sigma and Baptiste really didn’t help. As long as double shields can be a thing, all tanks with shields will be severely limited. This is why people advocate for drafts/ban phases.
So you agree he’s not fine, but you don’t want him touched, you’d rather see changes around him.
Nerfing his passive benefits Dive.
Mei nerfed benefits Dive.
There’s nothing improving the horrible state Orisa is in here.
As a tank / bronze D’Va one trick I prefer to play with hog/ball/Zarya than a walking wall as it’s more exciting and chaotic matches .
Okay I’m sorry. Do you want to talk Winston? He’s been dead for 2 years. That’s not a fair argument bringing up just Orisa.
So we are talking time?
Orisa was not viable for the whole Dive and Goats metas time.
The time a hero has or hasn’t been meta shouldn’t be relevant, it’s the viability that matters.
Dead or not, balance shouldn’t be a musical chair. All heroes should be playable at the same time, albeit at different scenarios (maps, points, composition, time left, etc). I’m not saying every hero should be playable 24/7 across situations (because that’s unrealistic), but heroes should have their moments of being the better pick depending on the situation.
ATM, the way the meta works is simply some heroes are ridiculously advantageous, some are workable, and the others are trash/throw picks.
I was the one asking for Rein barrier HP reduction.
Look at my thread if you haven’t already:
Then I’d suggest we stop making new heroes. And focus on maps to better suit what heroes we have. It’s too optimistic to thing this game will come with a perfect harmony. We can’t even get roles equal. Let alone all individual heroes.
IDK if that solved things. Rein himself is pretty fine as long as he receives support from Zarya or, because shielding is only one part of his gameplay. Dropping shield and swinging is also essential. Orisa however is just straight trash due to her filmsy shield, and so is Sigma. Those two heroes pretty much can ONLY be picked as a pair, otherwise they’re throw picks. Buff either’s shield so they can work as a lone shield tank, and you’ll get the obnoxious double shield meta back. Orisa+Hog will always be a worse pick as long as Sigma’s shield. This is the problem.
So I ask you: How would they make changes to Orisa and Sigma without making double barrier oppressive again?
I want to see a Winston Return. I want to see sustain return. I want to see tracer sombra soldier and torb matter more. And frankly I don’t see a valid reason to expect things to be equal across the board. Flip the game if we’re going to update faster now. See what clicks.
That’s just making Rein / Zarya / D.Va / Winston / Wrecking Ball relevant, but Orisa / Sigma and maybe Hog irrelevant.
So, as you said it, why release new tank heroes if there’s no counter playstyle they offer, if they have to be irrelevant for fairness reasons?
(Fairness is important, don’t get me wrong here)
If Sigma or Orisa are gonna be alternatives to Rein style, not a different one, make it work properly then.
I honestly don’t know the answer…
Only things that come to mind is;
- Rework Sigma completely so he isn’t an offtank that ALSO has a shield.
- Delete Sigma lol (unlikely)
- Add Drafting/Ban Phases so the players can prevent overpowered comps as a strategy