Pretty sure the suggestion doesn’t dumb Her down at all. Currently energy decay and cooldowns aside there is one bubble for Zarya and one for an ally.
With no forced allocation you have the above plus the option to basically triple the health of a dps or double the health of a tank to push through a choke and disrupt the enemy team at the cost of sacrificing the defensive bubble ‘normal’ allocation.
Number 1 would make Zen way to oppressive.
I am all for cow and monke buffs but they never should buff Sigma till a rework for his barrier and kit around it.
Before Sig we did not have a problem with barriers at all, because these barrier heavy comps only work with Sigma. When they rework Sig into an actual MT and not a Ace of all trades we could buff barriers again so it wouldn’t necessary to play 2 barriers.
And I am all for a crit-box dmg reduction, because 400-550hp mean nothing when your head hit box is the size of a squishies body.
Step 1. Punish shield stacking. Create a mechanic that doubles shield cooldowns and halves regenative rates for anchortanks that stack shields
Step 2: revert the terrible shield nerfs. So tanks can play like tanks
Problem solved
Hi this is me 1/2 way writing through this…this comment is a little strange I wrote allot so if I start repeating myself or I say wierd stuff Im sorry
Before I go on a rant as I am someone with strong opinions on this topic
I just want to say
This is good you say this
- you recognize que times are because of tank role and its…difficulties:
- Role getting constant Nerfs
- low player count
- etc etc
- while it seems to be your only intention of why you want to look at tanks I don’t blame you I am guessing you are a DPS player from this
so it makes sense you still have personal intrests in this which is fine
the tank role is a very flawed misjudged and controversial role
some people think they are 500 hp DPS
Some people think it is the worst role in the game
some people think it doesn’t matter
some people think every game is dependent on Tanks
I will admit that I am biast
I am human
so are all of you
so we all are.
To “fix” this role persay is just to make it better
and its not as easy as you would think
allot of stuff should happen for it and the game.
- there are way too many DPS compared to Tanks and Supports:
so this is somewhat of a gamewide issue and its not like its the people who play DPS heroes fault that their the majority
also the Defence role was combined with DPS so that gave it a large boost.
anyways a big way to make both Tank and Supports better is to have more of them,
there are 8 tanks and only 7 supports.
the tank role is well split as there are 4 main tanks (Rein, Orisa, Winston and Ball)
and 4 off tanks (Dva, Roadhog, Sigma and Zarya)
while supports have 3 consistent main supports (Brig, Lucio, Mercy but in some comps this can also be baptiste or moira)
and 4 flex supports (ana, zenyatta, bap, moira)
so that is 15 heroes split into 4 roles
there are 17 dps (over 50% of the roster)
these heroes split into 8 hitscans (Ashe, Mcree, Reaper, Solider, Sombra, Tracer and Ashe)
then 9 projectiles (Doomfist, Echo, Genji, Hanzo, junkrat, Mei, phara, symmetra (beams are technically projectiles) and Torb)
that is all common knowledge though
the point is however when over 50% of the roster is in 1 role que times for that role will be very long I think some DPS need reworks moving them roles and hopefully in ow2 there will be allot more Tank and support heroes added
The DPS I would Rework are
Mei: she somewhat is already a tank with icewall and it being one of 2 really good parts of her kit she could be a really unique Idea for a main or an off tank.
Doomfist: this one I don’t exactly know how it could work he could be a really cool dive tank if they made him an off tank it would mean there are 2 dive off tanks and 2 dive main tanks but I think he would be better as a main tank where his passive becomes a cool sort of shield that he gives to allies in a radius however I don’t exactly know how this one would work.
Symmetra: make her a support again I don’t think she really does need to heal but you could probably come up with some way to make her do this
Sombra: another utility DPS the only reason she is a DPS is because she doesn’t heal and stealth makes her self sufficient however she could be a really fun support.
I would add Echo aswell since she should have been a support in my opinion but she is fine as a DPS
ok so that is an obvious thing
Other Problems with Tank are more towards Balancing
so as I said previously Tanks are very controversial and allot of people have different opinions on them
as I said I am bias as a human but Tanks are really not 500 hp DPS
they never have been they aren’t now.
This is honestly one of the worst tanks (get it?) you can have when it comes to the tank role.
But Because of this it has caused problems. -
ok this one I will spend a little more time on but its shields
sorry guys but shields are not that bad
if you hate shooting at shields and think their just a terrible thing its probably because their doing their job right
If your a widow main and complaining about shields shields literally exist so your not OP. same goes for any ranged Hitscan (Mcree ashe and solider)
There are DPS who do a great job of countering shields (Symmetra, Junkrat, Hanzo even though he shouldn’t be as good as he is, Mcree same thing as hanzo, Echo, Bastion, Sombra can hack tanks to remove shields for some heroes, Doomfist goes right through shields, Heck even Phara and Reaper)
Because people complain about shields so much though they get nerfed allot
and it makes tanks really suck
because tanks have very big hitboxes
you would be supprised
Armor helps them
but not really
Because of all of this it just adds up to allot of bad Tank gameplay since you can’t peak without full shields and your shields break in a few seconds sometimes.
ok now what would I do?
Dva: Matrix distance increased to 15 meters
Comment: she should have never had this nerfed with this Dva will be fine
Orisa: Shield health increased to 800 Halt range increased by 2 meters, Speed reduced by 5, cooldown increased to 10 seconds
Halt should be a little bit stronger but less often and her shield is just not strong enough
Reinhardt: Damage per swing reduced from 85 to 75
Shatter Duration increased to 3 seconds
His Damage didn’t really need to go to 85 but he should have a compensation buff if it is removed
Roadhog: I forgot the exact changes that happened but revert him to august 2020 (aka pre owl season 3 playoffs meta)
He got done dirty after he stopped being OP
I really don’t like this hero but I admit he sucks
Sigma: Shield redeploy cooldown removed Shield Hp lowered by 100 hypersphere damage reduced by 3-5 per sphere
2.5 even 2 second cooldown is way too long for a cooldown blocker
by dropping shield health by 100 more and giving another small compensation nerf of hypersphere damage I think sigma will be a much better option
Winston: Bubble hp increased to 750
Winston is in a really good spot and i wouldn’t touch him but if you were to buff him I guess do this
Wrecking Ball: knockback Nerf Reverted
This nerf was really dumb
enough said
Zarya: secondary fire ammo cost reduced by 5
its just a small thing It wouldn’t really change her in my opinion
I’m actually a support main!
I agree c:
Again, I agree.
To be honest your comment is mainly on point and I fully agree there is lot that would go into fixing them. Making stronger and adding more to roster would be a massive start and we have seen them start to do this recently.
Not to mention the nerfs to Tank busters like Reaper and Echo. So we are on the way, but for a while there it was starting to look real bad for the tanks and was very horrible to just feel nerf after nerf.
But over-all, yeah. You right. But I am a support player, then a tank player, then a DPS player c:
that’s cool!
sorry for the long comment I hope you read the beginning message of
Because I wrote this late and I was really tired
somewhat forgot 1/2 the stuff I wrote but glad you agree
We need a raw, global 25% damage reduction. Every hero.
How about a tank who can absorb barrier health to recharge their barrier, or an off tank that absorbs barriers and turns it into like big chunks of health.
Like hog, but specifically to counter double shield metas.
Please stop necroing threads for the love of God
- Nerf Roadhog in any possible way
- Increase Orisa shield cooldown time to have it less spammable.
- Revert Rein damage buff
- Revert Sigma shield nerf
- Nerf Zarya bubbles
That’s it.
I made the choice.
The tanks I play now are;
Dark Knight
D.VA needs to be reverted to just before she had missiles so that she can face-tank and eat damage again instead of doing that WHILE doing damage.
Hammond needs every nerf reverted; he never needed them to begin with.
Rein needs damage reverted, and possibly stun reverted on ult.
Orisa straight up needs reverts and increased barrier health.
Sigma needs a rework that makes him a proper off tank without a barrier, but given an ability that meshes with his kit.
Hog needs damage back while damage reduction and movement on E is removed.
This would be a better step in the right direction for tanks.
First, the definition of role “tank dps support” comes entirely from RPG, there is nothing outside of it.
second, you want to purge this feature only from Tanks and Supports, while DPS can have a much easier targeting and CC skills than any tank in the game.
currently I see only grandiose syndrome and bias in you.
ash can summon a third tank to his team with automatic aiming etc. etc. but its alright.
this is far from being a “DPS” in an FPS, if it exists in standard FPS
You know the funny thing is warrior will never be nerfed because we’ve got too many vocal players for that to happen
Funny, considering if you watched BlizCon, and looked at changes to Rein since my post, as well as the whole priority queue system.
I was right. Again.
Devs fully acknowledge the need to convert DPS players into Tank players.
You wanna talk bias? Your bias is that you’re upset that if I’m right, again, then Brig is going to lose her capability to block Dive as a healer.
Since if they go with bringing Orisa and Sigma barriers up to Rein level.
OR if they bring Rein barriers down to Orisa and Sigma level.
Both scenarios would bring back a DoubleBarrier meta, due to how much AntiDive it can field to cover it’s weaknesses at close range.
two fire strike do in the RPG?
cancel the charge does not rpg?
i just saw QOL changes
people do not play tanks because DPS is currently stronger, in competitive games people tend to play with what is more dominant.
when GOATS was strong, there was no DPS, why?
and please enlighten me with what changes would be made to remove “RPG / MOBA” features from the DPS class
Looks like you’re too tied up in semantics to realize that the discussion was around whether Tanks should be team-reliant undying meatshields.
Or whether they should have playstyles more similar to DPS, with more kills, more self-reliance, but at the cost of less survival.
because nothing can counter Dive in this game?
not to mention that even with weakened brig and double shield Dive is not yet Meta
any less ? they already died instantly
You really seem to be incapable of comprehending how the game would be different with Tank changes, huh?
yes, because your ideas are at another level of intelligence, after all you are an expert.
but you still haven’t told me how we would remove the “RPG / MOBA” bias from the DPS class as we have to remove them from the Tanks.