Tanking is painful

Great vid. Yea this is what tanking feels like.

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It’s bad for all roles if you think about it. If someone can hit a smaller target with that same firepower then everyone is getting deleted as fast. It’s garbage and just not fun.

I wish there was less damage being put out. I swear there used to be less, right? Things just seem absurd now and I can’t help but feel that there was a time where I could safely drop a shield, go out from cover, play D.Va, or whatever else, and not feel like I was playing “just another twitch shooter”.

Oh well, it’s not like I’ve played a normal HP mode in ages anyway: I stick to TM and I’ll tell you the moment I played it way back and felt the pure beauty of not having ohko and super low TTK BS was euphoric. It was hard to go back to regular modes; yet I still stuck with NL… But these days I won’t touch the game unless it’s TM day.

Maybe one day they will stop this low TTK rubbish. On that day I might find enjoyment from modes outside TM once again.


They’re too dumb for that. These devs have no clue. Don’t care if they ban me. I’m done with this garbage game anyways. Ow2 will be even worse.


You’re doing the Lord’s work!

Keep it up!

I’d love to see every instance of tanks exploding in the +4hrs of OW2 footage that we have thus far.

I know the original Livestream from June definitely had some instances of Rein and Monke getting melted.

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If i get used to be in an abusive relationship, does that make it right? No of course it doesnt. Why should we have to get used to it being painful for tanking


Didn’t say you had to

But your implication of “we get used to it” is the same thing

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Ahhh, ahhh, stop, you are hurting me inside with these emotions

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Yeah, were screwed… ggs


Why do they think Tank players want to deal more damage?

We play TANK because of the name. We want to TANK / Create SPACE and MITIGATE DAMAGE.

I could care less on how much damage i deal. As long as i can be used for what my NAME IS CALLED.


I think Storm Arrow was involved with most of these clips. Yet they just BUFFED that ability for some reason. When they first announce how much damage that ability could do, I was scared for tanks. Now I’m moving more and more to only queuing support instead of flex because tanking doesn’t feel like tanking most of the time.

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