Tanking 300 points above my SR

Why they throw me in a lobby so much higher than my SR. I’m struggling in Silver, I know I’m not gold quality.


Something is wild right now


Two things, if the Matchmaker is working… you’re playing so well it thinks you belong there.

if the matchmaker isn’t working (like i think) it doesn’t matter. Either way, while you’re playing with better players pick up some pointers to get better.

*You’re probably better than you think you are.

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At both high and low sr, you are likely to get thrown around a bit when you queue for an in demand role

Same thing happens in masters. A low masters tank is likely to get top 500s in their games. Either that or diamonds. No in-between :laughing:


I still recall the first time I reached Mid Diamond and was thrown into a GM match with a couple of Top 500s in it on both sides, I was feeding like CRAZY! It was very fun and coordinated.

Though now I play comfortable in Master and GM, I feed less, but I still get that amazing feeling when I get thrown into full Top 500 matches, SO much coordination! :heart_eyes:


only 300? thats on the lower end. ive had games with tanks over 900 down from me (plat in a 3900 game at the time). its a massive issue that gets brought up constantly but blizz refuses to say anything.


Yea, the matchmaking for tanks is super loose, especially on the higher end. You can watch Jkaru frequently getting out in 3.8k lobbies as 4.5k tank.

Yea, but what are they supposed to say. They are just hoping that everything is magically fixed with ow2 rather than admitting their incompetence wrt to making tank fun and engaging and the resulting lack of players


Are you high silver by any chance?

Also, no one wants to play tank (apart from me - those 30 second queue times are great), so… it’s filling in the best it can with a dwindled tank population.


This game uses state of the art matchmaking technology. You may think it isn’t working, but it is. If you don’t like where you are just practice!


the issue is that where you are doesnt matter in some cases my dude. its not a case of I need to get better to have better games, its a case of oh my main tank is two ranks below me, why?