"Tankbusters" are overkill in 2/2/2

All of which (except for Zen’s firepower) are on cooldowns, while tankbusters only need their primary fire.

And yes, you can save your boops, stuns and sleeps to deal exlusively with the tankbuster.

But reserving that for one enemy hamstrings your ability to provide counterplay to anyone else on the enemy team. Did the enemy Mcree use high noon? Sleep him, of course. But then it’s open season for the tankbuster… and god forbid if they have more than one tankbuster.

Plus, pretty much anything a healer can offer these days only buys you a mere second of breathing room… which may not be enough when dealing with the raw power of tankbusters.

The reaper wakes up and kills your tank anyways.

The Hanzo lands after being booped and kills your tank anyways.

The Widow waits out the immortality field (or destroys it) and kills your tank anyways.

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A few seconds can make all the difference and any more would be unbalanced. There’s plenty of time for your team to stack more peels, return fire, or to do something with the time you’ve bought.

You’re not supposed to keep your team forever.


I find reaper more of a problem when I’m playing DPS rather than tank because I guess that’s the character OP is referring to? Supports are quick to heal tanks not so much a DPS especially when you couple with tanks who just ignore him gliding past into the face of your hitscan or whatever. Road hog may feed reaper more than others but he can 1HK to counter that.

Mei is slightly more trouble for tanks but with her nerfs not a major issue unless unchecked or she’s unsupported. Plus big damage hit for enemy team.


I still wonder how tank players, who are playing inherently overpowered class (which has the same damage as the DPS but much more health) have the audacity to complain about anything even remotely dangerous to them.

Do you even understand that a good Zarya or Roadhog can kill Reaper almost as often, if not MORE often, that he kills them?

Tanks have always been OP yet their mains complain about them being UP, amazing.


Reaper isn’t even good at tank busting anymore.
Especially with the armor buff and reaper nerf, Armor destroys him now.

He’s the worst hero in GM right now, you want more nerfs?


Exactly! Fights are supposed to end with people dying one way or another, Yet so many people (particularly on the forums) act like dying is such a “bad thing”.

No wonder we got GOATs meta where basically nothing died until the team got an ultimate, because of people like the OP


Widowmaker & Hanzo aren’t tank busters and are quite frankly, FAR from being a problem at the moment. In fact, Hanzo has gone back to being a throw pick.

Reaper, on the other hand, is literally countered by any form of range and is extremely easy to counter so as long as you and your teammates possess awareness.

If you’re still dying to Reaper that’s sort of a personal problem if I’m honest.


Tbh I think that this game doesn’t need tanks in the first place. They are boring to play as and boring to play against. The game would be so much better if there were just damagers and healers.

Especially when there are always 4 mandatory tanks in the match. Which also increases queue times for everyone else who doesn’t want to play this boring role.

Can’t wait till ranked open Q will return and I can play much more fun, dynamic and enjoyable matches with 3 dps 1 tank 2 healers or 4 dps 2 healers. 2-2-2 was a mistake.

Tanks are limited in that they can’t apply their damage at range and that they have to get extremely close (relative to most of the Damage role) to be a threat.

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Dive tanks are great fun, so can’t agree there. Looking back I think dive meta was OW at it’s very best, you could still effectively run rein/Zarya or whatever too in comp… I’ve recently come back to the game and it’s a bit sad that so much seems to have been lost.

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Yet they do just as much damage as the DPS while having much more HP. If that wasn’t true – GOATS meta (which made the entire damage role redundant) wouldn’t have existed.

In fact it still existed in arcade comp open Q.

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Yep, right now we’re in a “nothing dies” meta. Let’s take a look at the past metas after dive shall we?

  • GOATs, Nothing died without using ultimates.
  • Double shield with moira and baptiste. Pretty self explanatory, Hardly anything died for ages. Hitscans were trash. Only heroes with sustain (e.g mei) was viable because she was basically a third tank.
  • Deathball, A little more interesting, but still only burst damage is viable. Sustain = garbo.

It kinda shows support mains got their way, to the point where we have slow boring metas, where we are shooting at the enemy for 10 minutes until they finally die.


Yep… and they’re limited im the range they can apply it. That extra health is to enable you to advance and actually get in range to do damage forcing the other guy to back unless they’re a tank. This is called taking space.

Goats was a combination of fully stacking aoe healers and speed boost enabling high melee ranged damage to apply said damage, all while being protected by a 2k hp barrier. Personally, I think the biggest issue was/is Supports being able to fully stack aoe healing abilities.

But yeh, if Tanks were worthless, they probably wouldn’t be involved in goats :man_shrugging:t2:
Out of curiosity, do you know why Tanks have high damage?



he was buffed because he was mediocre at best not because goats was op lmao

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He was bad because goats, dive and double shield were to strong. Same than mei, doomfist , reaper and hanzo.

But now they are nerfed

even without those metas he would be bad overall compared to literally every ranged dps without the rate of fire increase or some other change.

It’s obvious that you’re talking about Reaper in this post, despite that fact that multiple tanks counter him.
Sigma eats his burst and stuns him, or just plays out of range.
D.va eats his burst then bursts him instead, and has armor (reapers guns tickle armor unless he’s headshotting with EVERY pellet, which is next to impossible).
Roadhog has a cc combo, cc is his weakness apart from range.
Zarya can say ‘lol no’ to a teammate dove by him.
Rein has CC and armor.
Orisa has CC, range, and armor.
Wrecking ball has CC and range too


multi freese, reaper tele buffs, ashe buffs, cree rate of fire, and more still exist dud

if you tank buster the enemy tanks, while the enemy tank busts your tanks, its just a 4v4 game right?

I don’t think general tank busters have a place in the game. Nothing should counter every hero in a class. Rather, every tank should have different heroes that counter them so that there’s a game of picks and counter picks.

That said, I don’t think that any of the typical all-purpose tank busters are really great at the moment. So, it’s weird timing for this thread. They’ve already been nerfed.

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