Also, for those that think 2-2-2 is the cause of the problem, here are the stats from 3 months ago (July 15th, about a month before 2-2-2 was added):
Wrecking Ball
Pretty clear what the meta was here. It’s also pretty clear that GOATS was thoroughly dead outside of OWL. Once again, this was before 2-2-2. Role lock/role queue is not the cause of the current issues.
For those catching up, I’ve demonstrated that GOATS wasn’t the meta in GM 6 months ago, nor 3 months ago.
6 months ago, tank balance was actually really good in the upper ranks, but Blizzard’s anti-GOATS balance changes pretty much ruined almost every tank that isn’t Orisa and Roadhog. Then along came Sigma, who clearly had issues all of his own.
There you go. However, my point is that the pickrates for all the tanks are so close and the winrates are all decent enough to the point where nothing could really be called ‘meta’ - all the tanks were viable.
Contrast that with the data from 3 months later which shows that the GOATS nerfs completely trashed the viability of almost every tank.
Set to last 6 months, filter by GM. The data varies by day, but the trends are what’s important. The 56% was the oldest day at the time I made this post (I used the oldest available figure for each hero) so it may have been bumped off the charts by newer data now.
If I had infinite amounts of time, I’d have taken the oldest 7 days for each hero and averaged them. I don’t though. The trends are more important than the hard numbers anyway.
The introduction of Baptiste saw the rise of the “Bunker” meta and all other tanks that didn’t fit into this saw less play and the win-rates adjusted accordingly. No tank changes other than’s Defense Matrix range came about by this time, and the numbers here in this post look far more balanced overall despite the lower pick rates.
This was also around the time they changed how Assault worked for Attack and Defend objectives. Rewarding less time on Attack and lowering respawn times for Defense to shore up Point B defense.
As for Zarya’s sudden drop, this may have been due to a small change from a March patch that lowered Zarya’s 3 meter explosion on her alt fire to a 2 meter explosion. Otherwise, the only other element I can think of is that this may have been statistical “noise” brought by her less than 1% pick rate. All other tanks with less than 1% pick rates have similarly lower than 50% win rates.